Guide To The Wankers - Update
In case you're still curious, here is a link to archived versions of the Werribee Wanker's MySpaces. Good for a point laugh.
In case you're still curious, here is a link to archived versions of the Werribee Wanker's MySpaces. Good for a point laugh.
Posted by
11:41 am
Broadcast live from your local school every single weekday, it's....
Posted by
12:26 pm
Labels: Religion
If you haven't heard of the DVD floating around from a Melbourne school, that shows a young girl blowing a few guys (consensually) before getting her hair set on fire (non-consensually) and being pee'd on by the guys afterwards (presumably to put out the fire), well... you're probably reading about important things. But here's a clip of the video from Today Tonight anyway.
Now, there's nothing Aussies love more than a witch-hunt, so the alleged MySpace addresses of the boys starring in the DVD have been bouncing around the net. And coincidentally, there's nothing I love more than taking the piss out of MySpaces.
I'm writing this on Thursday because I have a feeling they might get taken down or made private soon. So, I took lots of pictures.
(Ten minutes after Tommy wrote that line, the MySpaces were all deleted. Tommy then predicted that he would receive a lapdance from Elisha Cuthbert. That prediction is still pending.)
There's three MySpaces to take apart - Boofa, Eman and Angelini. Yes, those are boys names.
Let's take them in order of dickery. Here's Boofa's MySpace.
UPDATE 31/10 - You can check out the archived versions of the Wanker's MySpace's here!
Posted by
5:28 pm
Labels: Tommy's Guides
In my last year of uni, I did a Screenwriting subject. The way I figured, every pretentious media tosspot has a script they carry around, so I'd make one of my own. It was called 'Relegated', and if you've seen The Office, I kind of ripped it off. The main character is a women's local rugby league coach, a guy by the name Joe Maguire (no relation to jerry lol). Like David Brent from The Office, he's one of those... loveable wankers. Completely arrogant and self-centred, but he's so pathetic that it's endearing. Think John Howard.
Basically, it's a post-modern story of redemption using the backdrop of suburban Australia to make a wider point about the frailty of success. It's also an excuse for Tommy to put swear words like 'shithouse' in a uni assignment and get away with it.
Anyway, the reason I'm talking about it one year after I handed it in for marking is that it's always bugged me. I thought it was decent enough for a credit, maybe a distinction if the marker liked it more. But I got a lousy Pass. Sure, P's = Degrees, but I'm convinced the reason it didn't get higher marks was because my tutor and marker was:
Posted by
3:20 pm
I always struggle to write Monday blogs. I could quite easily just write about some boring politics stuff, like Carl Scully being a lying tool, but... nobody would really care. And I'd like to post about boobs too, to make sure that I sent the punters home happy, but it's difficult (I was going to say hard) to find a good angle. I can't just like, chuck a really hot picture of some boobs on my site in a desperate excuse for hits.
Porn star demands equal time from LenoPorn star and California gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey, following the lead of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Democratic opponent, demanded on Friday that Jay Leno give her equal time on his TV show.
Schwarzenegger, who is seeking a second term, made an appearance on NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" earlier this month, prompting Democrat Phil Angelides to complain he also deserved airtime.
The star of "Boobsville Sorority Girls" and "Cheerleader School" is running for governor as a write-in candidate and said her name was among the top search terms on Google -- proving she had the popularity to win. She said her request to be on the show was denied.
Posted by
2:12 pm
Labels: Boobs, World Affairs
If I hadn't put a Blog Boycott on North Korea a week ago, I'd probably link you to this article here. And then I'd probably quote the first paragraph of the article, for those of you who can't be arsed clicking on a link. It would probably look something like this.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il expressed regret about his country's nuclear test to a Chinese delegation and said Pyongyang would return to international nuclear talks if Washington backs off a campaign to financially isolate the country, a South Korean newspaper reported Friday.
Posted by
2:14 pm
Labels: Terrorism
Posted by
12:43 pm
Well, I've bagged out two Kims this past week on my blog. One of them had the decency to reply with a video.
If Kim Jong-il is anything, it's polite. Also, when he shouts out loud - storms happen. Lets go! Lets go!
Posted by
9:55 am
'It's Time'
'I Like Ike'
'Make Love, Not War'
'The Ladder Of Opportunity'
'It's Hammer Time.'
Whether you agree with the sentiments or not, these are examples of famous political slogans. A good slogan can fire-up your supporters, inspire the undecided and sway your opposition. In just a few words, they can articulate exactly what a man or a party stands for. Jimmy Carter's re-election campaign was ruined the moment Ronald Reagan asked 'Are you better off now than you were four years ago?'. When Gough Whitlam said 'It's time.', he captured Australian's hope for a better society. It's politics 101, the simplest, smartest thing anybody can do.
Which is why Kim Beazley can't.
Which two words does Kim think will win him the election? 'Howard Lies'? 'Stronger Economy'? 'COSTELLO LOL!@#'? No. Kim is above those old, uncool words. Kim's resting his hopes on the ultimate insult, two words so vicious, so concise that they could very well destroy John Howard where he stands. Take a look at these quotes, all from the one press conference.
'When it comes to blame shifting, John Howard is the master blaster. John Howard is the master blaster of blame shifting in Australian politics...
'...that’s what I mean about the master blaster of blame shifting.'
'What John Howard is actually saying to the Government of NSW, as he does his master blaster act on blame shifting...'
'Downer has got a responsibility to look at our long-term national interests in the South Pacific rather than his short-term political interests which is to sound hairy-chested to the audience back home.'
'Well, Mr Downer is using all sorts of hairy-chested language...'
'Mr Downer seems to think that if he sounds hairy-chested and beat his chest in the air and behaves like a schoolyard bully, that that is going to make things better.'
Posted by
2:02 pm
Labels: Aussie Politics, Beazley Is Stupid
Have you ever wondered if the new Cookie Dough Kit Kat Chunky's actually have... cookie dough in them? Hambo over at MakingGirlsRun put it to the test.
Here is Part One
And Part Two - The Victory
Posted by
2:02 pm
Heya Kimmy,
You probably don't know me. My name is Tommy, I live in Sydney and every now and then I write a blog. You've probably heard of it, it's like totally the biggest site on the net.
Anyway, this whole nuclear test thing is troubling me a bit. I mean, you're the nutjob leader of a nutjob nation, but that doesn't mean you have to act like one. Is this all because of Team America?
And I don't want to have to do this, but I kinda like the world as it is now. All the bad stuff happens in countries on the other side of the globe, I can't pronounce the names of all the civilian casualties so it's not so bad, and they can make cool movies about the bad stuff a few years from now. But a nuke? World War 3 on the Korean Penninsula? Fighting China, home of kung-fu? Nuh-uh. That's just not cool Kim. Not cool.
So Kim, I'm putting you and your country on a boycott. A blog boycott. A blog-cott. You're probably thinking to yourself 'So? What the frig is a blog-cott, and how come I think in fluent English?'
Well Kim, a blog-cott means I won't be making any blogs about North Korea. Not even South Korea, that's how angry I am. But worst of all, I'm not even going to make any jokes about how Koreans eat dogs. Yeah, you heard me. No talking about the 'Man-Eat-Dog' world of Korean diplomacy. No jokes about how so many people starve in North Korea because they eat so 'paw-ly'. Not even this one:
How can you tell if you have a stupid dog?
It chases parked cars!
How can you tell if you have a stupid, Korean dog?It chases parked cars! And then you eat it!
Champagne dog comedy. But I'm serious Kim. Serious like a fox. A fox before you eat it because you think it's a dog. No more Korea jokes. No more Korea blogs. And especially no jokes about your stupid hair.
Except this one.
Posted by
12:41 pm
Labels: World Affairs
Let me start out by saying that Bushfires aren't funny. In fact, if you Google 'Bushfire Comedy', all you get is this YouTube video of a guy shooting a firework near his crotch. And while that video is funny, it really has nothing to do with Bushfires, unless he set his pubes alight. In which case, Bushfires are fucking hilarious.
Posted by
2:10 pm
Labels: Tommy's Guides
I only geek out over a handful of things. Professional wrestling, Lost, 24, West Wing, X-Men movies, James Bond movies, comic books, World War 2, politics, The Office and Grand Theft Auto games. See, only a few things. It's not called TommyIsCOOLDotCom for nothin', hip cats.
But imagine my surprise, imagine my geek-icity when somebody combined two of my favourite things. No, not Grand Theft Auto: West Wing, I'm talkin' about 24: The COMIC BOOK.
It's called 24: One Shot, and it's.... actually pretty crap. Whoever had the bright idea to make a comic book out of a one-hour television show whose gimmick relies on being a one-hour television show is pretty stupid. Instead of tense, fast-paced thrillrides where Jack Bauer races against the clock to stop a terrorist/bomb/mountain lion, we get occassionally bolded words! And close-ups!
It's set before Season 1 of the show, on Jack's first day at the job at CTU Los Angeles. Fans of the show will recognise some faces, like:
Jack Bauer
In the tradition of truly woeful comic books like 'Jurassic Park: Lex Shows Timmy her Dilophosaurus', the unanticipated crossover 'The Punisher Lays Waste to Barbie's Magical Dream House' and almost every edition of 'The Fantastic Four', 24: One Shot is like very much like a cheap Taiwanese whore - it's ugly, you can't understand most of it, and most of the time that you were supposed to be enjoying yourself you were just praying you'd make it through the ordeal without catching sight of a huge cock.
Posted by
1:10 pm
Labels: 24, Television
Ok. The blog looks a little different. I had to kill the funky old look because Blogger is all fancy now and the old look was just too damn sexy for it to handle.
I'll probably mess around with the current template over the next few days, and I'll be swanking up the archives on the right a bit more too, so you can find old blogs easier.
Posted by
12:05 am
According to a hit I got the other day, if you Google 'videos of fat people doing big poos in toilets', I'm the third result.
You mention Casey Donovan in ONE blog...
Posted by
6:11 pm
Ever felt like property?
Me and my Dad are moving to a new place near a golf club (an actual Clubhouse, not a four iron), and my sister is moving to Little Seoul (Eastwood), and so we're selling the family home. This morning, some tosspot real estate agent guy in a white shirt got given a tour of the place, and it sounds lame and emo, but I almost felt like a piece of the house itself. Mainly because I never got introduced to the agent, I just sat there, gave a compulsory 'hey' and went back to looking up pictures of Molly Meldrum.
Well Kieran, this is our upstairs study. It's built on top of the garage, and it's pretty spacious. There's a bedroom attached, and sitting in that desk in the middle is Tommy, he's an extension we built 22 years ago. Inbuilt plumbing, not the biggest but a fair bit of room.
Open your mouth a bit son
See, you could easily fit a walk-in wardrobe there. Room for two, I'd say.
Could do with a new coat of paint
Feel the heat coming from his crotch, Kieran. He's born to breed this one.
Yes, it is a bit warm.
That's the reverse cycle.
Posted by
12:17 pm
Labels: Stories
Now don't get me wrong, while my blog's readership has certainly grown over the last year or so (especially when I write about Big Brother), I realise I'm not exactly writing for the masses here. It's a small sub-culture of my mates who I guilt into reading the blog by always mentioning it, people who find it accidentally by clicking 'Next Blog', Mitch, and the lovely people redirected from Grods. And maybe Happy Healthy Harold. I don't know.
Part of the reason for my small-like-tom-cruise audience is because, aside from following a link at Grods or a Google search for 'thong kicking faggot', it's pretty tricky to find my blog on the cyberwebnet. And, I don't exactly write about topics of general interest. Well, aside from the Boobs blogs at least.
On my way I passed a phone booth which was occupied by two teenage girls, one of them was standing right in front of the phone, whilst the other one was standing next to her talking on her mobile phone…neither of them were using the payphone!
When I arrived at Kingsley’s Chicken I got ticket number “01″ from the machine...
I waited as 98 and 99 went past, and then they reached “00″…the girl who was serving at the time called out in a rather thick accent something which sounded like “num-bo”…I’m sure she meant “number oh”, although why she couldn’t be clear about it and call out “zero” is beyond me.
Then came my turn, a young bloke, possibly Inidian, called out my number
Me: “Could I get six chicken croquets and a jumbo chips please?”
Him: “Six crockets and the jumbo chips?”
I should point out that, being roughly based on a dutch food of the same name, the correct pronounciation of “croquets” is “crow-kays”, not “crockets” as the people at Kingsley’s seem to call them.
Finally it sunk in, and he informed me of the total price, I gave him some money, and he gave me the correct change…but it wasn’t over
It got worse…he then turned around, got a cup, poured out a drink and put it on the bench in front of me…
Him: “Here is a free drink” (or something to that effect…he was mumbling…he didn’t tell me what drink it was though…would have been too bad if I had accepted it and been allergic to it, they might need a lawyer then)
Me: “I DON’T WANT…(mumbling)”
I had already explicitly declined a drink twice, so why he thought I would want one is beyond me. A few minutes later one of the cooking people brought my order over, I thanked her for it and left…leaving the drink right there on the counter.
The rest of my journey was sensible, and when I checked the radio, Glenn Wheeler on 2CC was asking people about commonly misspelled and mispronounced words, one of my personal hobby horses.
It looks like this will be the first blog post I’ve sent by mail to anyone in a while…I wonder if Kingsley’s Civic Manager will reply?
Posted by
4:17 pm
Labels: Samuel Gordon Stewart, Tommy Versus
If you went to a public primary school in Australia, chances are you had a visit from Happy Healthy Harold every year or so. If you were an animatronic giraffe that advised kids on how to eat well and cope with peer pressure in the mid-1990's, chances are you are Happy Healthy Harold, in which case omg omg happy healthy harold reads my blog
Happy Healthy Harold, or Triple H, was (is?) the puppet face of a scheme called Life Education, who drove their vans to schools, filled them with children and locked the doors for an hour or so. Visits from Harold were quite often the highlight of a school year, except that time in Year 4 when some of the girls in my class accused our substitute teacher of hitting on them. You rocked, Mr. Matis.
It might sound stupid, but the visits from Harold left an indelible mark on my memory. I can still feel the rough red carpet that ran all the way up the walls; can still hear the noise animatronic Harold's eyes made when they blinked; can still see his one lazy eye that blinked slower than the other; can still taste Mr. Matis lips on mine. It wasn't every day that you had a visit from a talking giraffe that popped out of the back wall of a caravan, after all.
Posted by
2:06 pm
Labels: Investigations