Tommy Interviews A Worthless Druggo justkidding
So, I was on MSN right. And I was talking to my mate Matt, right (not the one who writes the guest blogs, he's not my mate). And I was like, all like, wow, that's an interesting story. I should like, put that on my blog, cause it's interesting and like, people like things like that.
So, I did. It's about his experience with a little drug called LSD, his trip, and checking out his own package. I was going to format it up and make it all pretty, but I think I like it better as-is.
I'm the one named Tommy.
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:07 PM):
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:07 PM):
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:08 PM):
please, take a seat
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:08 PM):
/me jumps out window
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:08 PM):
/me rub chin while holding pen
if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:08 PM):
a magic wishing tree
like in the book
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:08 PM):
ok, let's talk business
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:09 PM):
last saturday, did you or did you not consume some lucy, in the sky, with diamonds
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:09 PM):
yes i did
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:09 PM):
for my lovely lawful readers, describe how one takes LSD
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:09 PM):
LSD comes in a number of forms
most common is a 'tab'. which is basically a small peice of blotter paper with a drop of LSD
most tabs have pretty pictures or patterns on them
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:10 PM):
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:10 PM):
(please correct spelling and such for final copy)
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:10 PM):
(of course)
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:11 PM):
other forms are liquid, geltine capsule, or something i forget
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:11 PM):
so you used the tab?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:11 PM):
about .5 cm by .5 cm in size
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:11 PM):
and how much did it set you back?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:12 PM):
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:12 PM):
chump change
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:12 PM):
was indeed
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:12 PM):
so you've got your tab, you're $20 short in your wallet, now what
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:12 PM):
we make the trip (LOL!) down to Barwon Heads, to a mates caravan
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:13 PM):
barwon heads being in fuck-toria for sydney readers
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:13 PM):
arrive at about 6, have some dinner, sit down at 7.00, and place the tab under our tongues
for 30 mins
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:14 PM):
so you just wait for it to absorb, then get rid of the paper?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:14 PM):
one mate threw it out and the rest of us just swallowed it
might as well get our moneys worth
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:14 PM):
then how long did it take to kick in?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:15 PM):
around 40 mins or so after we first put it in our mouths
we were watching a christmas episode of family guy
and suddenly all the animations started looking really shit
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:15 PM):
so it was almost like King Of The Hill?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:15 PM):
like just subtle things about it

Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:16 PM):
then i noticed on the wall there was an indian pic of ladies with their tits out, and the tits were slowly moving
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:16 PM):
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:16 PM):
actually i think before that we had like laughin attacks
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:17 PM):
laughing so much we were crying
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:17 PM):
well, moving tits are no laughing matter
so you're laughing, family guy is looking shit like anime, and indian womens tits are playing dodgem cars
what happened next?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:17 PM):
im not totally sure, but next thing i remember my mate is spewing in the sink
but not your everyday run of the mill spew
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:18 PM):
prob cause he saw an indian womans tits
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:18 PM):
it was like just pure batter from his piece of fish
and then my other mate started cleaning it up with a spatula
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:18 PM):
haha nice
ok, before when we were talking about it, you described the overall feeling like a wave?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:19 PM):
its hard to explain, but you become aware of your body clock, the circadian rhythms and such
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:20 PM):
you get an appreciation of the whole yin and yang thing
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:20 PM):
that's... pretty deep
but how so, like how do you become aware of your body clock?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:21 PM):
im not sure, you can sort of just feel it
like time seems to speed up and slow down
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:21 PM):
so you're kind of... seperate from external time
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:21 PM):
like a wave
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:22 PM):
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:22 PM):
i've never been to the ocean :(
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:22 PM):
except the mother fuckers kept asking what the time was
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:22 PM):
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:22 PM):
and im like stfu, just enjoy it
actually time had something to do with my slight freak out

Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:22 PM):
now you also said that the trip helped you figure out some personal stuff
without getting to far into detail
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:23 PM):
mainly some family and personal issue i didnt understand
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:23 PM):
so it just gave you some clarity
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:23 PM):
some unresolved things - why im feeling the way i am about certain members, etc
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:24 PM):
rightyo, very cool
now back to your freak out
what happened there?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:24 PM):
it was quite unexpected
ok the freak out
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:25 PM):
well i was holding onto a piss, and someone asked the time which made me worried id been holding on to it for hours
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:25 PM):
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:25 PM):
so i race outside to take a slash, and i suddenly thought id pissed my pants
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:25 PM):
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:26 PM):
and like, i looked at the wall of the caravan and could see my friend inside cleaning it up
then i saw myself walk into the caravan and thats when i really freaked out
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:26 PM):
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:26 PM):
like falling, except in your mind
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:27 PM):
that's insane
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:27 PM):
i thought i was
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:27 PM):
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:27 PM):
but after i went back inside and explained it, i was ok
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:28 PM):
so once you understood you were just tripping then it was sweet
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:28 PM):
its very much a verbal communication drug
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:28 PM):
you didn't perve on yourself did you?
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:28 PM):
i was quite impressed by my crotch
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:29 PM):
(i cant think of anything funny)
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:29 PM):
a small package isn't funny
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:29 PM):

Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:29 PM):
so, anything you'd like to close on
this blog will probably be the entire length of my blog
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:30 PM):
that makes no sense
i'm trippin man
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:30 PM):
on closing id like to say...
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:31 PM):
haha you're shit at closing
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:31 PM):
do it with friends
do it somewhere quiet
do it
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:31 PM):
just do it
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:32 PM):
thats right, just do it
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:32 PM):
thanks for your time, matt
say thanks tommy
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:32 PM):
no worries gareth
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:32 PM):
Fuck, the king is dead. says (8:32 PM):
i mean tommy
thanks tommy
Tommy 'The Tommy' Tommy says (8:38 PM):
wanna cyber?
Making a Video Call to Fuck, the king is dead. ...
I used Adderall first in school unaware that it was basically pharmicutical amphetamine. It wasn't what I had expected. It was more like performance-enhancement and general euphoria than it was an actual feeling of intoxication. A year and some months later I learned to use it at parties. It makes you 10-times more sociable, lets you party forever, decreases your appetite, and destroys your need to sleep. I experienced the rush of snorting it, and after that I never liked it much orally. I began to binge it, and thus I learned about being strung out. I hallucinated full-blown visuals (though with 90% of them I knew they were not real) of my skin falling apart, creatures flying around in the air and trying to crash into me, and liquidy-white bubbles that fell out of holes in my skin in the shower. The paranoia and confusion is no fun. The insomnia is no fun. When I finally got to sleep, I began to feel a deeper depression than I had ever felt before in my life. I couldn't feel good anymore because I was so used to being on top of everything with uppers. Tweaking for a week and then quitting does horrible things to you. Coming off of such a great feeling feels like shit, and it stays shit depending upon how long you were using. I say that it is bad because now that I have let it grab me, I can't use it at all without getting slight psychosis. The crashes have become worse. I need to use more than I used to. It's making me an addict, and I can see it. I wish I would have never done it, despite all the times it did good things for me. In the end, it's all fake. In addition, I feel that amphetamines change you as a person as long as you're on them. They change the way you act. People notice it and you do too. It's not a good change, in my opinion.
Sometime generally following the peak of my trip I took a long walk around the neighborhood chain smoking the yellow variety of American Spirit cigarettes. The strongest epiphany I had over the course of the night came to me during this time. At first I felt tragically out of place, like the situation was all wrong. I was caught up in it being too cold out, the sores on my foot hurting, the cigarettes being the wrong kind, or not feeling like I should feel on an acid trip. Then gradually and quickly at the same time I came to the realization that everything that was happening at that moment was right. Me being cold was right, the cigarettes were right. Everything fit perfectly in the absolute chaotic beauty of a reality that always is. The picture doesn’t gain or lose value based on my current comfort or situation. I felt so strongly then that everything happened this way for a reason and that most of all I should be thankful for the blessing of being a part of such a unique whole. Suddenly it didn’t matter that my fingertips were freezing or that I preferred the summer stars. My feet, the ember on my cig, that snow bank, this streetlamp; they all fit perfectly in just the way that things were supposed to be in this world at this moment in time. I took sublime comfort in this thought. On DXM reality seems all wrong to me. On acid it fits.
i get my dick stuck in my fly on a daily basis. my fly is button up.
That's really true. I think this is a great way for us all to come together to share our experiences. Thanks to Gareth for setting this up for us, and Matt for being so cool about placing his trip time on the line for us all to absorb and intensify.
eating sucks on LSD. You might find it interesting for a few minutes,
but in general, you won't be hungry, and the texture of chewed food in your mouth won't
be pleasant. You'll also have a tendancy to overchew and a reluctance to swallow.
I have never found tastes to be incredibly intriguing on acid.
That's some pretty hardcore anti-drugs crusading spam you attracted there, Tommy. I hope your mate will read it and learn that one tab of acid in a caravan will lead to a lifetime of heroin and crystal meth abuse. He'll be giving head jobs for $5 in no time at all.
I really wish I had some pot for when i tripped. It would have intensified the trip for one and also chilled me out a lot earlier and perhaps have allowed me to sleep. Yeah, trip. Trip trip trip trip trip trip trip. I found it absolutely neccesary when coming down off trips in order to ground myself and felt the same way earlier tonight. I plan on having some at least on hand for all future trips.
That's another fantastic point! Keep 'em coming!
Totally awesome trip report, Matt. I only noticed a minimal amount of nausea when I had my first trip and attributed it half to all the cigarettes I was smoking – I only started smoking regularly in the past few days while retrieving the blotter for this one. The major discomfort came in the form of muscle soreness and joint aches. I felt like I had run a marathon and played League and Union all in the same day. My back and neck especially felt waaaaay sore and tight; almost to the point of taking away from the positive aspects of the trip.
jesus christ what the fuck have i unleashed
Steady lungs,
Don't fail me now.
Your burning
My qualifications are these. I have tripped somewhere over 100 times. For about four years, it was more than just a hobby, and could have possibly qualified as abuse. For a couple years, I actually sold it. I have introduced many people to their first LSD experience. I have tripped in groups, alone, with new users, and with very experienced users all more times than I can remember. I have tried many other hallucinogens. I find it rare when I meet someone with more experience as psychonaut than I.
Acid is fairly hard to accurately gauge in dosage. One hit of some acid will be extremely hard. Some will be incredibly weak. There's no way to know until you try. Once I was experienced psychonaut, my friends and I had a 'two hit rule' with any new acid. That means that we'd take two hits, and then judge from there how much to take for a second trip. I highly recommend sticking with one hit for your first dose. That way, it shouldn't be too hard for you to handle, but you should still have a nice trip. I didn't do more than one hit for at least my first five or six trips.
One hit is always one square from a sheet of blotter paper, no matter how many squares the pattern actually takes up. In liquid form, one hit is approximately one drop. In any other form, you will most likely be informed of the proper dosage.
About the preparations. Be sure that anyone that's going to be around knows you are tripping and knows how to deal with someone who is tripping. The last thing you need is someone forcing you into a bad situation because they don't understand (like a roommate that forced me to go to my college classes and a fraternity function tripping). You also don't need someone fucking around with your mental while you're deep in an acid trip. People who don't understand what you are going through are more likely than not to do things that they think is extremely funny (let's fuck with the fucked up guy) but will not be very funny to you. If they persist, it becomes increasingly likely you will either do something stupid and harmful or have (bah bah bah bum) the bad trip.
what the fuck is happening here
i am officially scared
ok i was getting danica'd by a bunch of comment spam bot thingies
so i turned on the shitty word verification thingy
oi, whose being me
funny that the spam bot 'thingys' made for a better read than your blog.
Fuck you Tommy. All of a sudden I have a massive urge to do acid...I've turned it down several times and just organised to go trippin this evening.
You're a little cunt...I hope you die.
haha it wasnt a spam bot
becausing doing drugs to impress other people makes you cool
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