Tommy's Requires Validation
In my last year of uni, I did a Screenwriting subject. The way I figured, every pretentious media tosspot has a script they carry around, so I'd make one of my own. It was called 'Relegated', and if you've seen The Office, I kind of ripped it off. The main character is a women's local rugby league coach, a guy by the name Joe Maguire (no relation to jerry lol). Like David Brent from The Office, he's one of those... loveable wankers. Completely arrogant and self-centred, but he's so pathetic that it's endearing. Think John Howard.
Basically, it's a post-modern story of redemption using the backdrop of suburban Australia to make a wider point about the frailty of success. It's also an excuse for Tommy to put swear words like 'shithouse' in a uni assignment and get away with it.
Anyway, the reason I'm talking about it one year after I handed it in for marking is that it's always bugged me. I thought it was decent enough for a credit, maybe a distinction if the marker liked it more. But I got a lousy Pass. Sure, P's = Degrees, but I'm convinced the reason it didn't get higher marks was because my tutor and marker was:
- a) flaming
- b) an Australian film-maker, and therefore only partial to 'coming of age' stories and relationship pieces set in the most boring places ever
- c) hates Rugby League because the shorts aren't tight enough
And that's what bugs me. So if you still want to read it knowing that, you can read it here. It's 13 pages (script pages though, so there's barely any text or description) so if you're bored at work/home/prison, give it a look.
Then mark me.
Mark me hard
PC, that stands for Pissweak Cliches
I think it's been done enough times for it to be a finalist in tropfest.
Make it happen.
A university professor totally let their own personal opinions and misgivings affect the marks of a student paying a stack of cash to learn and be judged on merit and not popular opinion?
no way
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