Tommy's Guide To The Wankers
If you haven't heard of the DVD floating around from a Melbourne school, that shows a young girl blowing a few guys (consensually) before getting her hair set on fire (non-consensually) and being pee'd on by the guys afterwards (presumably to put out the fire), well... you're probably reading about important things. But here's a clip of the video from Today Tonight anyway.
Now, there's nothing Aussies love more than a witch-hunt, so the alleged MySpace addresses of the boys starring in the DVD have been bouncing around the net. And coincidentally, there's nothing I love more than taking the piss out of MySpaces.
I'm writing this on Thursday because I have a feeling they might get taken down or made private soon. So, I took lots of pictures.
(Ten minutes after Tommy wrote that line, the MySpaces were all deleted. Tommy then predicted that he would receive a lapdance from Elisha Cuthbert. That prediction is still pending.)
There's three MySpaces to take apart - Boofa, Eman and Angelini. Yes, those are boys names.
Let's take them in order of dickery. Here's Boofa's MySpace.
And here's his message to us all.

To which his friend, and alleged video co-star Eman replied...

To which the English language replied...

Let's take a look at the third alleged (notice how I keep saying alleged? That's because I can't afford a lawyer) video star, Angelini.
His MySpace seems pretty harmless, as long as you ignore this picture in his photo album.
That's Boofa from before, on the right, in the world's tightest jeans. Seriously, how did he even get his dick out to pee on the girl? Does he have a catheter? Is that what's made the wet spot?
I also love this comment on Angelini's MySpace :

How was my weekend? Oh. Pretty good. Just stole a girl's clothes and threw them into the Werribee River, then we set her hair on fire with an aerosol can. Wanna go see a movie?
Here's a comment from Angelini himself on another friend's MySpace.
In light of the fact he wants to 'shit in ur fukin mouf kunt lol', I reckon the girl got off pretty lightly with just a golden shower.
But enough about Angelini, let's go back to Eman for a moment. Short for Emanuelle. Here's his profile.
And here's his interests.
And if that's photo didn't convince you that he's a bit off, he's got a raging one for Ricky Muscat from Idol. Who is a guy. And can't even sing. What a homo. Dean is much hotter.
In most cases, the worst thing about these sites isn't their dicky profiles or love for male Idols. It's the fact they have so many hot, 16-year old girls wanting to bone them even AFTER the video was out. Seriously, if you want proof of Beaten Housewive Syndrome, look no further than these two:

Here's an idea Nikki. Next time you try to blame the media for your mates assaulting a girl on video, stop looking so damn hot. Seriously, you're like a pseudo-Asian Holly Valance and I just can't bring myself to insult you for your fucked-up comment, you stupid slut oh there we go I did it.
But as I look through these now-deleted MySpaces, I kinda feel a bit of sympathy for these guys. After all, I don't really know if they were the ones who did the dodgy deeds. And while standing around watching a chick get her hair set on fire is still just as horrible, maybe these guys aren't entirely to blame.
After all, children are the product of society. 16 year olds who wear blue pants so tight they restrict blood flow to the schlong, which they then use to pee on a chick, are still 16 year-olds. They're impressionable. They see videos on YouTube, Jackass on TV and German porn on their computers and think, hey, that's pretty cool. Maybe these guys are the real victims.
Or, maybe they're just a bunch of wankers.
They're wankers.
I'll let Dani, a commenter on Eman's MySpace, take us out.

Yes Dani. I hope in they all get a bruise. Peace out.
UPDATE 31/10 - You can check out the archived versions of the Wanker's MySpace's here!
i hope in they get arrested
Under 18, slap on the wrist
How did this happen then, Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly??? yadumbfuck
Long time no see Tommy.
I'll have to catch up on all the shit I have missed. I think I have missed everything from half through August
Fuck I am slack!
Some people are farking screwed in the head. The comments from those chicks at the end sum up pretty much everything that is wrong with women.
finally tommy, a real blog. its been a long time coming
Kudos to you for a great write-up.
But we all must be aware that the government is busy serving warrants to arrest people with unpaid parking fines. . .disiplining pin dicks for serving flaming moes on a girls head?
Just not a priority!
mitch is back!!!
The cunty cunt cunted the cunts cunt. Think about it.
set their hair alight and pee on them johnny. not necc. in that order.
Champagne blogging!
Well done.
Just so you know, two of the three profiles you linked to seem to have been undeleted (though the profile of "Boofa" is now on private). Also, a lame chick like Nicki would take the word 'slut' to be a compliment.
Actually, you missed the best part. The guy who allegedly attempted to set the girl's hair on fire allegedly goes by the name of Brendon and allegedly has a (still active) myspace page:
But wait, there's more . . . the alleged clown allegedly admits to the alleged act on an alleged friend's page here:
Said Brendon, allegedly, at 7:33PM on 10/24/2006:
"cheers m8 but u gotta understand i burnt her hair a little bit apoligised then wen she got pissed on gave her my shirt and im getting in fucking shit. evericunt thinks im a tite ass cause of the fucking media its bs."
You just cannot make this stuff up.
that is absolutely fantastic
i'm stealing it for a special installment of Guide To The Wankers
In moments like this, even though I know America has many, many faults, it knows how to lay down some quick and harsh justice that I wish would be delivered to such human pieces of shit.
Btw, that Nikki girl is SO UGLY. what are you talking about? She looks like a chubby blown up fish.
tommy your work is as always excellant, and while that poor girl getting her hair set on fire is terrible, when talking to mates they told me how a child from their school covered a koala in petrol then set it on fire. Horrifying to say the least it wasn't the fire retardant kind. And for the record i hope those "teens" had had their fingers broken before typing anything, you kn0wz wh4t ! m3a/\/5. keep the entertaining alive:D
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