Wednesday, October 18

Video Post V - The Deadening

So Tommy, can you think of anything to blog about?

I sure can't Phillip

Why don't you just post links to videos?

That's a terrific idea Samantha

Ladies and Gentleman, I give you The Little Superstar, Bollywood's coolest midget. And also herpes.

Hey, wouldn't it be sweet if The Little Superstar bitchslapped someone?

Man re-enacts Scratchie ticket win for cameras. Man wins another 250,000 during re-enactment. Man cries. Man is teased by his friends. Man hires someone to cry for him.

If you watch Prison Break, this video will make you laugh. If you don't watch Prison Break, you'll be wondering why the guy from Prison Break is acting all faggy.

Hey, apparently there's this new movie coming out with this guy named Borat. It's totally underground, I'm pretty sure I'm the first person to ever like him. Here's a deleted scene from said-totally-underground movie, where Borat goes to the supermarket.

Let's Paint and Exercise TV! What?

Dog bites man. Cat eats mouse. Cow rapes farmer.

Kid is traumatised after a teabagging.

Ok, they tried to penetrate him with a banana too, but that's not as funny. Unless it was a clown.

Who said anything about a banana?

News blooper. Check out what's in the box the policeman carries. Hint: It's a giant dildo.

Door prank backfires. IN THE FACE.

Continuing today's theme of Indian midgets and/or door pranks, another door prank. Some dudes remove a glass pane from a shopping centre door and record people pushing air.

A 720 degree DUNK!! I don't wanna get all host of Sportscenter, but BOO YA!

Tony Blair sings 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' by The Clash. Still makes more sense than George Bush.

Dude scares his kid by yelling THE MONNSTTERRRR!!!

And that kid was me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

surely this is the greatest video ever