Some of you may not know this, but I bleed blue and white. No, I do not need a doctor, nor am I a Smurf. Rather, I am a Canterbury Bulldogs supporter. Although I think I am one-eighth Smurf, apparently because my great grandmother had a thing for little people.
In addition to being an accomplished medical practicioner, I am also a keen student of the law and, as Sydney's lebanese community isn't overflowing with lawyers, I have been appointed as Brad Morrin's legal defence (or his legal 'back-rower', if you will) for his upcoming match against the NRL Judiciary.

Brad will front the judiciary wearing a state-of-the-art mouthguard, designed specially for his appearance.For those of you who aren't
au fait with
le league de rugby, over the weekend my client, Mr Morrin, joined the ranks of Fuifui 'FootballPlayerFootballPlayer' Moimoi, much-loved Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, perforated former US president John F. Kennedy and half a plane load of Brazillian football hooligans (who were just looking for an excuse, anyway) in succumbing to the sweet, sweet taste of human flesh.
We could be in for some tough times ahead - the Judiciary have an excellent home ground advantage, having won nearly all of their games there this year. From the match report last week, the only reason they lost the game against the Andrew Ryan's was because they were afraid that someone would say the word 'testicles' and gave up before half-time. Below, I have given a list of the legal defences we plan to use in the inevitable clearing of my client; we list them here in the hopes that the Judiciary will read them and become paralysed with fear at the indisputable arguments we present.

Cannibalism has been practiced for centuries, as this picture from the middle ages shows.The 'Nip/Tuck' Defence:Everyone knows the phenomenon of Tuckshop-Lady-Arms. As you ask for your 30c Zooper Dooper, the lady in the canteen pulls it out of the freezer, cuts the top off it with a large pair of scissors (sometimes taking too much Zooper Dooper with it which, in this lawyer's opinion, should result in a refund) and reaches over to hand it to you. As she does, the large fold of skin under her arm, which has not seen any muscle or flesh in it for years, begins to ripple. Maybe a kid further down the line sneezes, the wind reaches the dangling skin and shakes it like an infant that won't stop crying. Before you know it, the bat-wing has ruptured and varicose veins are flying, taking kids' eyes out and causing massive structural damage to the building. Morrin was obviously concerned about something similar happening to Tahu and decided to begin the long reconstruction process.
The 'He Was Hungry' Defence:Rugby League is played flat-out for 80 minutes and you need all the energy you can get. With oranges being discouraged at half-time now, because of lactic acid or something, the fleshy, scrumptious-looking underarm of Tahu must have been irrestistable to almost anybody.

We go before the judiciary with never-before-seen 'Morrin Cam' where we recreate, using MS Paint, what we think Brad saw that day.The 'He's a Complete and Total Spastic' Defence:In this defence, we illustrate that Morrin obviously suffers a learning impairment, can't play football and hopefully get him transferred somewhere shithouse, like the Roosters.