The Fall Of Howard: Wiki Wiki Wild Wild West
There's nothing sadder than the people who edit and moderate Wikipedia. I get the ones that may contribute to a page about a certain hobby or something, but what about the ones writing the entry for the word "here"? Who feels so strongly about a word that they'll make a Wiki entry for it?
Anyway, the Prime Minister's office has joined in on the action, making 126 edits to Wikipedia. I take such an offense personally, considering another giant Wiki tool deleted Matt's awesome Derek Granger entry.
But the PM's office isn't just editing disparaging remarks about Peter Costello, they're interested in a whole bunch of ways to waste taxpayer's money. For one, they have a strange, almost sexual obsession with the Gang-gang Cockatoo (Not be confused with the Gang-Bang Cockatoo, which is the secondary mascot of the Canterbury Bulldogs). They also edit entries on Fictional Foods and Beverages in Star Trek, something called Snub hexagonal tiling, and show a keen interest in Andrew Gaze's career.
But all that's just sad.
The comedy gold is in their edit of the 'Mandatory detention in Australia' entry. According to the Prime Minister's office, the inhumane conditions in detention camp aren't actually inhumane, they're not even allegedly inhumane, they're "allegedley inhumane". And Tampa and the Boat People didn't 'help win' John Howard the election, rather "some commentators argume that it helped John Howard win the election".
The argume, of course, is the distant relative of the legume, and is enjoyed as a snack by Liberal Party hacks who like to rewrite history so their boss isn't a xenophobic cocksmoker.
Although, in the interest of fairness, I think some other politicians have been editing Wikipedia too.

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