Thursday, September 15

You know those warnings before a television show, where it will tell you the show's classification (G, PG, M, MA etc)? Well there must have been some new legislation or something, because they seem to be including EVERYTHING these days. On theComedyChannel on Foxtel, if a program is rated M they include every single thing it could possibly have (course language, drug use, nudity, sexual references, violence) so they don't have to record seperate ones for each show.

And I was watching Channel Seven late the other night, and it's just gotten beyond a joke. Luckily I recorded it. Take a listen, be careful though because it gets quite rude.

If that doesn't work download it from here.

And if that doesn't work kill yourself


Anonymous said...

hehehe titty

Anonymous said...

hehehe Danieca

Anonymous said...

Did you do 3 unit english so you could spell 'coarse' language 'course'?

As the spelling police I am forced to give you a ticket in being inept... and fat.

Tommy said...

i hate you

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that you got through it without collapsing into giggles

Tommy said...

it was the 842nd take