The Fall Of Howard - MySpace Warz
It was inevitable really. Once Kevin Rudd's campaign ad was posted on YouTube, the obvious next step was MySpace. Next - campaign photos on Flickr. After that, policy launches on FaceBook. And then, we come full circle. John Howard naked, on XTube.
And, just like the opinion polls, MySpace has spoken. Kevin Rudd has more friends than John Howard.
....But a quick glance at Mr Rudd's page shortly after 4pm (AEST) today showed he already had more than 570 “friends”, or people who have added him to their list of favoured users, compared to just seven for the Howard government.
Ouch. A few days later, Rudd is up to 5522 friends, and Howard has shot through with...... 8.
Though, I think that's because K-Rudd is actually letting people be his friends. I'm sure the Howard Government has had lots of people try to add them as friends. It's just they want to determine who comes to their MySpace and the circumstances under which they do. I believe an e-boat full of Afghani MySpacers looking to add Howard as a friend was just stopped by the Royal Australian Navy a few hours ago.
I guess because people are a little chuffed that one of Kevin Rudd's lowly staffers decided to accept their friend invite, K-Rudd Vampire Butters profile is full of glowing compliments towards the Opposition leader. I was expecting lots of Young Liberal stooge spam, but it's mainly people under voting age telling Rudd how good he is.
Though, I thought these messages were a little odd.

oh tommy you truly scaled the heights of political satire in this entry.
if only a real politician, like cr. peter dimbrowsky, would start a myspace page. i'd poke him on facebook any day.
lol lol lol
that cheered me up.
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