Straight to the Wiki-Keeper - Tommy's Guide To The Other Wikis
I love Wikipedia. It helped me kick ass at uni, and these days, with nothing else to do, it helps me with more important things, like trying to find out what the longest-at-#1 Single of the 90's was when I'm sure it's 'My Heart Goes On' but my mate insists it's 'Pretty Fly For A White Guy' and it turns out we're both wrong and it's 'Gangster's Paradise'.
But some people don't like Wikipedia. Apparently, it's pursuit of objectivity, citations and factual accuracy gets in the way of certain people's beliefs. So, there's rival Wikis, with less stringent criteria. There's my personal favourite - the CreationWiki, which contains entries from a creationist world-view, a view apparently stifled by those godless Wiki moderators.
It's so awesome. Search for 'Agnosticism' and you find a quote from Jesus talking to the Pharisees. Search for 'Dinosaur', and you are informed that it was most likely humans who caused the extinction of dinosaurs by hunting them. As the informed contributer says: perhaps the T-Rex could haved "survived the flood, but they could not survive mankind".
Dude obviously hasn't seen Jurassic Park II. Not even humans with tranquiliser guns and cars could take down the T-Rex, but David slings a few rocks, and bam, he's wiped out an entire species.
Sadly, you have to be approved by the site administrators to edit anything at the CreationWiki, thereby ruining my plan to copy paste Jack Bauer's biography into the entry for Jesus.
But, another Wiki contender is open for vandalism. Meet the Conservapedia, a Wiki for conservatives. Because there's a lack of conservative opinions in the world, with just George Bush, John Howard, Fox News, The Daily Telegraph, Sky, the rest of News Limited, nearly every single paper in Australia, Channel Nine, Talk Radio and the Wall Street Journal.
You can pretty much sum up Conservapedia with one picture. Search for 'Objectivity', and what do you get?
I rest my case.
But it's not beyond saving. It's actually pretty easy to fix Conservapedia. Let me show you. Take John Howard's entry.
Now, all we do is remove the Conservative bias, add a bit of objectivity and...

Gah, Tommy, why so anti Howard? I thought you were reasonably neutral. Don't spoil everything now.
dude, even people who vote for howard think he's a cockhat
Tommy is as neutral as that Nazi gold whoring Switzerland.
Mang, you done got slapped down by some wanker who removed your constructive changes and describes himself thus:
I am here to make sure the pages here are the truth and to remove all bias. I am a socialist & agnostic Canadian male. I believe in removing bias from the media and from informational webpages and other forms of educational/informative material.
User NSmyth is a cockhat.
surely a socialist agnostic would think howard is a cockhat
Porous. said...
Gah, Tommy, why so anti Howard? I thought you were reasonably neutral. Don't spoil everything now.
gee thanks media watch
you've read tommy's blog before, right?
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