His best friend's a talking pie! SOLD!
So the other night over a quiet game of poker, which I lost after going all in on a pair of eights (I hate myself), I got asked a hypothetical. Not one of the good ones, like 'would you cut off one of your nuts if you could shag Jennifer Hawkins', one of the 'let's see if you're an evil dick' ones.
You and a friend are in two matching cages, next to each other. In each cage is a button.
You're each told by the evil doctor/scientist/hyper-intelligent monkey that the button in your cage sends the other plummeting to their death.
However, in five minutes, if neither of you has pressed the button, both of your cages fall, and you both die.

So what do you do?
Do you not hit the button, and hope your mate doesn't?
Or do you hit the button, saving one life (coincidentally - yours) rather than ending two?
More importantly, how come every single one of my mates said they wouldn't hit the button, and I said I totally would? Does that make me evil? How come they didn't get angry at the god damn monkey that put us in the cages to begin with?
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If Tommy was in the other cage I couldnt press the button fast enough.
This is just a twist on a common psychological study known as the prisoners' dillema. It's basically a non-zero sum equation. There are all sorts of things you can do to increase and decrease the likelihood that one person will 'push the button', but doing so doesn't make you evil or not evil. All you have to wonder about is can you live afterwards knowing that you're killed someone else just so you could survive? If you're going to puss out six months down the track and kill yourself just because you can't live with your decision then just let yourself die.
coming from tommy who chooses GAY RAPE
yeah over MURDER
anybody who chooses getting killed over rape is either a christian or a nutbar
and there is an incredibly easy joke i could make there that i won't, out of respect for mel gibson
Well if I had a religious person in the other cage I would push the button because at least death isn’t the end for them well at least they will die happy. However if not then it would totally be scissors paper rock, best of three.
your friends are the weird ones, it is one life or no life, so why choose none?
though you're still evil
animal instinct is to survive they would have to be a very very very good friend for me not to push the button asap.
If there was ever a post that was screaming out for a myspace poll, this is it.
Pfft its a classic Baldur's Gate gaol (oh yeah foreign bitches, GAOL) puzzle, just bag out the hulk man till he gets mad and breaks you out of there, then watch and laugh while the other dude doesnt press the button...
Actually its not like that at all, thats what happens when you go on an acid trip whilst playing video games kids...
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