Sunday, September 17

A Blog blog

I mentioned it in a comment, but my blog now has these fancy label thingies. Basically, I put labels on every post, and then if you click on the label, you get aaallllll the posts marked the same.

For example, if I post about Wil Anderson, I'd put a 'Wil Anderson Is A Cock' label. If you click that, you'd get every Wil Anderson post I've made in the 1-year+ history of ze blog. It's neat if you want to look back and see old guest blogs, or read posts from when I was funny for that brief period in August 2005.

I'll link you to some of the labels so you can play around.

Emo Watch
Politics (this one's pretty big lolthatswhatshesaid)
Guest Blogs

Wil Anderson Is A Cock

The blog also now has a RSS feed, which is kinda useless but cool if you're into that stuff. If you use Firefox you can just click the orange button in the link bar and it will bookmark the feed so you can get LIVE UPDATES eventhoughionlyupdatetheblogafewtimesaweekanditsprettyuselessifyouaskmeandholyshiti'moverthissideofthepagenow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shi Yindao!