Wednesday, August 23

I know I normally post something new on Wednesdays, but today I seriously got nothing. Nothing. I was going to do a fake audio interview thingy with some terrorists about how they actually took notice of the Hollywood letter condemning terrorism ('We will never end our jihad against the zionists. Wait... did you say Dennis Hopper signed it?'), but eh. Not really that funny.

I was going to write about the stem cell debate too, but first I have to Google/Wiki an opinion on the whole thing. Yeah, I use Wiki as a verb, that's how I roll.

Should be seeing SNAKES ON A MOTHER-FUCKING PLANE tomorrow, so maybe that will inspire some awesome blog about how the the Plane represents our post-modern identity paradigm, and how the Snakes represent mother fucking snakes. Or I just might put up pictures of Samuel L. Jackson, I haven't decided

In the meantime, read old blogs and pretend they're new.


Anonymous said...

snakes on fucking plane is the most stupid idea i have ever heard. Its not even good because its stupid its just 'plane' fucked. its not even cool because it has samuel jackson either, he can stick this movie up his arse and his fucking purple light sabre to boot. what a fucking joke thats, not a joke so its not fucking funny.

Anonymous said...

see ben, thats why nobody in the playground likes you. its not just cause your fucking ugly and look like a girl. its cause your an enormous tool

Tommy said...


Anonymous said...


+1 for reading old blogs.

Tommy said...

omg mitch is that your site?

Anonymous said...

yea it is man. slow but getting there...year 12 takes it toll timewise.

Between school,mountain biking, band committments and social life, thats what myself and another mate are working on.