I'm good friends with a lot of scientists. They give me drugs, I take them, I get money. Harmless. Absolutely no side-effects.
what was that jonathon
kill them?
all of them?
not yet jonathon
And being mates with a scientist has its perks - I get access to all the cool new inventions before they're released! For example I was one of the first people to drive a Segway, I tested the iPod Nano, and I was the first person in Australia to take RU-486. Though, that last one gave me the runs. Anyway, my scientist friend Dr. William Contrived Setup has recently put the finishing touches on a time machine. So, I got first dibs.
What did I do with this fantabulous device? Go hang out with my future grandchildren? Write down the Powerball numbers for next week? See the Roosters win the NRL Premiership in the year 2007? No, you idiot. You stupid idiot. I checked out MY BLOG!!!!
So now I'm back, let's take a look to the future.
The future, Tommy?
Yes - all the way to the Year 2010!
Tommy's Blog..... In The Future
First, I visited the front page. Turns out I got a new logo, but I kept the same colour scheme. The font looks different too, almost like it was made in Photoshop or something. Technology is pretty incredible in the future.
Take a look at this post from this Friday, FOUR YEARS IN THE FUTURE!
But just visiting one page doesn't really give you a good view of the future. So, I took a screenshot of the TommyIsCoolDotCom archives too, just so you can get a taste of what has happened. In chronological order to boot!
I'm a little attention-seeker at heart, so my next step was to visit my blog stats, to see how much my hits had increased. I expected a pretty dramatic rise, especially after my 2008 initiative, where I paid people to read my blog. Check it out.
Incredible. When I saw that stat, I thought surely my blog would be at the cutting edge of pop culture in the future. So, I checked ABC News Online, cause in the future, the ABC is cool. I figured my blog would obviously be front page news, so I just took a screenshot of the first article I saw.

Mainstream recognition! WICKED!
And so ends the trip to the future. On a completely unrelated note, if you live in a place where you can see the sun, I'd probably stay inside on November 2nd, 2008. Just a heads up.
Future Tommy.
the future, conan?
there should have been a screen shot of the highest grossing movies of all time and no 1 was Badgers on a Hovercraft
or you could have not suggested such a crap joke
who could possibly be that angry at 3:59am
Tyler Durden?
Ok, you are now firing a gun at your "imaginary friend" near 400 gallons of nitroglycerine!
tommy is hot
I, Mitch, take you, Tommy, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward.
now we just gotta make it legal
or, even better - barely legal
I wish future tommy would come back in time to prevent you writing this blog.
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