Thursday, October 20

Well that was fun.


Here is a picture of a puppy


Anonymous said...

say tommy, that looks like some kind of muslim puppy.

actually, id been thinking about a post about flowers or something.

Anonymous said...

A terrorist puppy killed my family... police were not allowed to shoot it fleeing because of bleeding heart idealists that are causing this country to fall into Americanism, where having an opinion means you are racist.

Anonymous said...

if the opinion is racist then that means you are racist

Anonymous said...

I don't understand these coments, they don't make sense. Would you all like another go? Or should I just keep my poorly constructed arguments to other websites?

Anonymous said...


looks like someone is still angwy that their bums were smacked fairl in debate

poow widdle lefties

Anonymous said...

actually that wasnt even us lefties. that must have just been someone who realizes how much of a dick you are

Anonymous said...


are you watching them and know who posted what?

what a clumsy fib poose

Tommy said...

lol posting under someone else's name and calling them a moron is so funny and witty and really proves you won the argument lol

Anonymous said...

a clumsy fib?
it was neither me nor skirt but it sure is darn funny

Anonymous said...

even muslim puppies?

Anonymous said...

does it prove you won as much as simply claiming the oppositions' comments were false or that you fairly smacked their bums?

Anonymous said...


Tommy said...

depends on what your definition of 'false' is

Anonymous said...

so depending on your definition of 'false' simply claiming that the oppositions comments were 'false' would prove you won the argument??

Anonymous said...

Back from my recent interstate trip to find this 116 comment marathon and still animosity around. Well this is what I have to say about that!

Personal, always personal. This blog has people who read with different views on everything, politics, sport teams, the choice between the human species or animals. Everyone is different and I think most of the time we have good healthy discussions/debates about a wide range of topics but just because we differ in our opinions doesn't mean we should make personal attacks on them. It is teenage high school behaviour not that of grown adults who believe that they are learned on issues that effect us all.

The previous blog entry that started this whole heated discussion was really started for no reason. If one has an idea about our current laws they would realise that a shoot to kill law already exists now, it's just that this anit-terroism bill is being passed to encompass terroism and terrorist activities as other reasons for the existing law. So the only thing that changes now from if you were a white male and suspected of drug trafficing and you run from the plain clothed officers weilding guns is that it is now legal for them to do the same thing if you are of middle eastern appearance and are suspected of terroist actitivites. Yet I never saw a blog article about the law that already exists.

On another issue;

Poose said:
"to all those anonymous pansys, stop being such little girls."
and also this
"Also, if you are going to put forward an argument that you feel is correct and believe you can support it, then by all means do so, but use your name, and not some crappy pseudonym."
Yet from multiple sources I actually know that it was poose who also posted this:
"madeliene albright said...
treading lightly wants to have sex with small children"

Now I am all for free speach and all that but what you are doing here poose is like the pot calling the kettle black. Practice what you preach and stick to the facts at hand!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

of course that madeline albright thing was me. that was one comment.its the people who argue continually as not themselves that gives me the craps

also, on your issue about the existing law to the proposed law
the crimes act does have provisions for shoot to kill situations. this is good. there are always going to be situations where coppers need to take someone out, but the addition to the law of the word 'fleeing'is what im having a go about. they are making these laws to excuse themselves if they accidently shoot the wrong person in the back.
when you make a new law, one of the tests it goes through is whether or not it is an improvement on the current laws. all of the state premiers who previously agreed the proposed laws are backing out now because tehy werent told about this extra addition

Anonymous said...

on topic people, i like puppies especially ones on a bonet of a car. best article yet tommy, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

tommy, i think the change of topic worked about as well as the previous change of colour in calming people down.

Tommy said...



oo look a puppy :D:D:D:D:DDD:D:D:D::D

Anonymous said...

I think smurfs would help the situation. They're small and cute, they're blue and they're always singing. La la lalalala...

Anonymous said...

i like smurfs

Anonymous said...

A terrorist smurf killed my family... police were not allowed to shoot it fleeing because of bleeding heart idealists that are causing this country to fall into Americanism, where having an opinion means you are racist.

Anonymous said...

not only are you racist, but you're puppyist and smurfist. Plus the joke was lame the first time.

Anonymous said...

so much hate from anonymous people.

Anonymous said...

actually the joke was funny the first time and even more so the second time
:P and no its not my joke

Anonymous said...

yeah richie

Anonymous said...

Go to google amd type in "failure" and hit I'm feeling lucky... Coincidence? I think not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Also, if you are going to put forward an argument that you feel is correct and believe you can support it, then by all means do so, but use your name, and not some crappy pseudonym."

Yet you post your comments as a 'poose.' I doubt that poose isn't a pseudonym. It's hardly your name anyway...unless your really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, ethnic.

What the fuck is the puppy doing on the bonnet of a car anyway? If anything, that pissed me off more than the racist debate.