Tuesday, October 18

Here is a guest blog from the man who couldn't be a plane because he only has a left wing, Monsieur REDACTED, The Thong-kicking Faggot

Matthew Reilly is The Worst Author Ever

An analysis of the Howard Government's new anti-terror legislation
Just think for a moment that you didn’t have the fortune to be born white, and that instead you were born with brown skin pigment and had a penchant for turbans and facial hair. Well, if you did, and you lived in Australia, John Howards about to tear you a new one.

Luckily for this guy, not only doesn't he live in Australia, but he was killed in a hit-and-run accident in downtown Kabul in the year 2003.

Howards new anti terrorism laws that he is proposing to rush through the parliament in 2 weeks and the senate in 1 day are going to really suck. Lets look at a few examples of why they suck harder than John Howard when Bush is around.

Say my lady friend ‘skirt’ was of middle eastern appearance and could probably grow more facial hair than the members of ZZ-top. Well, under the new laws she can now be taken and held without being charged for two weeks. They don’t even need any evidence to do so. Once they have abducted her, she is only allowed contact with her family for two hours a day, and all conversations will be closely monitored. If she gets a lawyer, then there is no longer any lawyer-client confidentiality as their convos are monitored as well.

A phone tap

But here is the real kicker, after my lady friend has been gone a couple of days, and I’m starting to get a little worried, her parents can not tell me what happened. If they say that she is being held, then they face 5 years in jail. In Indonesia, a country that kills you when you smuggle drugs, you can mastermind large scale terrorist operations (and impersonate Dr Matt Destruction from the Hives) and get only 30 months in jail, where in Australia you get double that for informing people that their mates are being held by the government.

Cool. Isn’t our government up to date with the world.

Lets consider another example, say I’m wandering out of my favourite kebab place one afternoon. Due to all the hate crimes that have been directed at ‘darkies’ over the past couple of years I have now becme wary of other peoples actions around me. An unmarked van pulls onto the footpath, blocking my way. Instantly, several casually dressed people weilding guns that could have come out of a Matthew Reilly book get out of the van and start advancing on me. I drop my kebab and run in the opposite direction quicker than Bush could say “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.”

We solve problems because we are problem solvers. We eat zucchini because we are zucchini eaters.

The men shout “stop” but I keep running away from the mysterious gunmen. They take aim and fire. Three fire shots that hit me in the chest and one fires several rounds into my head. As my brains begin to ooze out onto the pavement and mix with my blood that is now forming rivers along the cracks in the cement, the gunmen congratulate themselves on a job well done. They nailed a possible bad person as they fled from un-identified gun-toting henchmen. That’s right. Under these new laws, you can get killed for fleeing. And remember, they can pick you up without any evidence so ultimately, you can get killed for just wanting some Jimi’s.

There are pantloads more. Basically, now that he’s figured out a way to undo 50 years of union work in one sweeping lot of industrial relations reforms, Howard has now decided to move back onto a tried and true topic. That is, discriminating against people with better tans than you who speak more than one language.

I guess I’m thankful that I was born white. And Male. And superior to Richie in almost every way.


Tommy said...

oh damn richie girl you got CALLED OUT

nigga be layin it down all over your shit

Anonymous said...

i dont think you would have bought that land

Anonymous said...

Th th th these are the measures that Peter tells me we need to take, so yeah

Anonymous said...

I prefered it much more when Australia was shooting at random boat people and Pauline Hanson stood up for the good old values of white supremacy.

Anonymous said...

Richie stop being a dick

Anonymous said...

Tommy is a durty slit

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Richie stop being a dick "

looks like poose sent in his misses to do his dirty work cause he got owned.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Tommy is a durty slit "

tommy i know this is your blog and all but please stop posting crap like this under anon names

Tommy said...

what can i say, i hate myself :(

Anonymous said...

I really don't think Indonesia's law system and jail times are anything to compare against. Sounds like to me that you are the one who is not up to date with the world.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i mean, they dont even speak english

Anonymous said...

treading lightly wants to have sex with small children

Anonymous said...

wait a second ... whos talking about indonesia. I think you are the one who needs to keep up to date with what there reading.

Anonymous said...

what a load of paranoid codswallop

if you think the government is going to use these powers to run around locking people up just to get some jollies you are one seriously deluded lefty

they will be identified and investigated

the alternative is to not have powers and then if we do have, as other western countries already have, a terrorist attack on the boil there will be no powers to stop it

terrorism is a reality in 2005 and pretending it wont come here may be your solution

i for one am glad the government is making plans and laws to deal with the threat

i would rather see a couple of arabs locked up for a few weeks than a massive attack killing dozens in the center of sydney

thats how most people feel

deal with it and stop worrying about the ant biting your toe

look up and see the elephant about to step on you and make sure you wont squashed


Tommy said...


Anonymous said...

I think the problem also comes back to you Tommy for releasing these lefty tree hugging scare tactics on us all. Typical Labor tactics to try and scare us all without looking at the whole picture.

Anonymous said...

More power to you Mr M!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Richie the whole world doesn't revolve around you as much as you would like it too!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah mr m
there are terrorists.
the reason they are really pissed at the moment is cause americans oppress people.
sure, we do need anti terrorism laws. terrorism is not a good thing. but rushing through draconian laws that are difficult to undo is never a good thing. we need laws on the subject. what we don't need is the government making allowances for them to kill people who are innocent like what happened in london.
also, we might well get attacked by terrorists, if we do, it will most likely be in retaliation to the governments movements in supporting bush. if we do get attacked, the chances are that these laws won't be that effective in actually stopping these attacks. terrorist cells infiltrate society and act as normal people until they strike. at the end of the day, it would not be that difficult to organise a terrorist act and keep it under wraps until it occurred. thats why terrorism and guerilla warfare is so effective, it is very difficult to detect until it is too late. having laws saying that people can be killed because they might be terrorists isn't really going to help stop a probelem that people are willing to die for.
to all those anonymous pansys, stop being such little girls. to Mr M and treading lightly, try watching news that isn't on channel 10 or reading soemthing other than the Telegraph

Anonymous said...

I would have a rant about this but can't be bothered.

We all know the real problem here is Mark Latham's book, it is tearing our nation apart. It should be kept in the Fiction section with Michael Moore's crappy works. Maybe he should spend less time bitching and more time losing weight, you too Kim Beasley.

Peace out.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Sorry Richie the whole world doesn't revolve around you as much as you would like it too!!! "

please stop your makeing me laugh, your childish grudge is takeing away from other more interesting comments.

Tommy said...

poose i love you but you're such a god damn arts student

"the reason they are really pissed at the moment is cause americans oppress people."

no, a whole bunch of arab people are really pissed at the moment because they think americans oppress people. TERRORISTS are not pissed because americans 'oppress' people. 9/11 happened before the invasion of iraq, so did the cole bombings and the attacks on any number of u.s embassies. groups like al qaeda use things like u.s troops being in the holy lands of saudi arabia, and the occupation of iraq and afghanistan as an excuse to spread their islamofascist hate and to justify their attacks on civilian targets

and insulting someone for reading the daily telegraph when you're using sixth grade michael moore logic is a bit much

Anonymous said...

Oh fuck off Tommy. So before Iraq Americans were not continually bombing the shit our of middle eastern countries? I'm not saying Lachlan isn't a sensationalist,I just saying you a dick

Tommy said...

i didn't say that. americans shot a whole bunch of cruise missiles at any number of middle eastern countries in the 1990's (they also prevented saddam hussein from invading kuwait btw), but i don't really see how shooting a cruise missile at a camel is 'oppressing' people

when you give excuses for terrorism you rationalise it

when you rationalise terrorism then you accept it

Anonymous said...

I'm not accepting terrorism. I was just pointing that Iraq wasn't the start of America picking on the middle east like you made it sound.
You should work for the telegraph.

Anonymous said...

thats right tommy, we should all be so lucky to have americans shooting cruise missles at us

Anonymous said...

and by the by, what do people have to endure to be considered oppressed Tommy? If getting bombed isn't good enough for you....

Tommy said...

i love how it's america 'picking' on the middle east

preventing the invasion of kuwait = picking on the middle east

destroying hussein's weapons factories with cruise missiles = picking on the middle east

removing the OPPRESSIVE taliban regime = picking on the middle east

removing the OPPRESSIVE saddam hussein = picking on the middle east

i didn't say iraq was the start of america picking on the middle east, i just assumed when you were talking about america 'oppressing' people, that it was when they occupied iraq. obviously your definition of oppression includes removing oppressors and enforcing u.n resolutions

Anonymous said...

yeah, cause the US invaded Iraq cause the UN wanted them too

Anonymous said...

yeah mr m
there are terrorists.
the reason they are really pissed at the moment is cause americans oppress people.

i am sorry i dont see how americans "oppresing" people resulted in islamists blowing up a bunch of kids in bali

i dont see how americans oppressing people results in 900 deaths in southern thailand due to islamic seperatism

how about we start blaming the perpetrators and not the victims

if we do, it will most likely be in retaliation to the governments movements in supporting bush.

so we alter our foreign policy for fear of terrorists

why dont you just convert to islam

you will be much safer and they will approve of you

hey wait...

they kill more muslims than anyone else

get it clear poose - these are just murderous nutbags

they are kill groupies

they dont need reasons or reason

Anonymous said...

skirt and poose..... You sound like the perfect couple of left wing green peace activists! You two need to experience what life was actually like for people living under an evil dictatorship regime. It's easy for you sitting at your computer in a free nation when you have not even the slitest idea of what it would be like to go to sleep wondering if your corupt military was going to come in the middle of the night and kidnap your father because he made a derogatory about your president at the local barbors. To point the finger at America saying that THEY are the oppressors when they freed a country from a madman who would have been the start of WWIII if he was left unchecked is ignorant and competly niave about what life was and still is like in these nations. Fair enough they also had to worry about being bombed by way-ward cruise missiles and I am sure that would be a terrible feeling but if you have a better way to bring down a military regime that has embedded itself into a country for 20 odd years led by a crazed mad man without using military force I am all ears. And until you can come up with a peaceful solution you should really save your comments to yourself or run for election and do something about it!!!

Anonymous said...

The US clearly aren't interested in the UN. If the UN happens to agree with them in an attempt to maintain a visage of actual authority then up until Iraq yay for them. But the fact that when America finally went TOO far and the UN actually had to say no, they barely even hesitated. It seems pretty clear that the US's motives for all their pre-iraq, non-opressive and interventionist bombings weren't based exclusively, or even primarily, on UN resolutions.

Anonymous said...

and by the by, what do people have to endure to be considered oppressed Tommy? If getting bombed isn't good enough for you....

oppresed is 1.5 million dead and 4 million refugees

2 failed invasions and a 1 party police state

Anonymous said...

Dear treading lightly,
Sorry I had no idea you have experienced such a regime. If I had I would never have been so insensitive as to express my, sitting in Australiia at a computer, position when you are suffering in a warzone.
Kiss my ass.

Anonymous said...

The US clearly aren't interested in the UN. If the UN happens to agree with them in an attempt to maintain a visage of actual authority then up until Iraq yay for them.

is it that you are unaware of events leading up to security council resolution 1447 or is it that you know but are being deceptive

the US tried to get the UN on board

the SC signed 1447 and then reneged when iraq failed to adhere to 1447

But the fact that when America finally went TOO far and the UN actually had to say no, they barely even hesitated.


the UN agreed to 1447

that was where saddam was given a "LAST" opportunity to make full disclosure

blix was sent to verify

he reported saddam had not made full disclosure

end of farging story

Anonymous said...

and mr m, I totally agree with you. You don't kill innocent people for a reason, or a cause. For a reaon or a cause you protest, you write stupid comments on stupid blogs. Terrorists don't have a cause. They are insane. They have nothing to lose, they have nothing.

Anonymous said...

In saying all of this it is also naive and ignorant to believe that the only motives of the US was for the UN resolutions. A country is just like a business in where if you don't make a profit you are forced to deal with your shareholders who if pissed off enough will vote you out. That is the beauty of a democratic nation. You cannot say in any decision in life you only look at one consequence. As humans we look at all the options and how that decision we make will effect us in many aspects of our day to day life, our health, our finances, our relationships. To condem a government who after looking at all the options can see the benfits for themselves and their country in the wake of a desicion is just plain stupid. They liberated a country who for generations had never had freedom of speach and as a by-product of this decision they may profit from it. Who are you to condem them for this decision? It is the world we live in, deal with it. I know that one less mad man who has control of a bio-chemical arsenal is going to be a good thing for the world as a whole.

Anonymous said...

I will take your personal comment as confirmation you don't have a better option and as such there is really nothing more to say on this issue.

Anonymous said...

They might have caved eventually. What I'm saying is that America didn't give a SHIT! They went in even when:
On September 16, 2004 Kofi Annan the Secretary General of the United Nations called the invasion of Iraq illegal. He cited the lack of a Security Council resolution explicitly authorizing the war.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you got mixed up. George Bush is not the head of the UN. and Kofi Anan is not sold at Gloria Jeans.

Anonymous said...

uh Mr M..... as an observer in this hilarious mass-debate, me thinks the actual facts will fall on "deaf ears" to these idiots who have no idea on what they are talking about and are stroking their own egos about who THINKS they know more about this contentious issue.

Anonymous said...

Treading lightly,
You told me to shut up cos I don't live in Iraq!?

Anonymous said...

AND observer maybe you should look at the freaking facts. This should be simple enough for you to understand:

Anonymous said...

They might have caved eventually. What I'm saying is that America didn't give a SHIT!

then why did they dick around for 18 months with the UN security council?

go on try to answer

They went in even when:
On September 16, 2004 Kofi Annan the Secretary General of the United Nations called the invasion of Iraq illegal. He cited the lack of a Security Council resolution explicitly authorizing the war.


when it emerged his son was pocketing thousands via the oil for food scam

why did he not declare military action in afghanistan illegal on the same grounds?

go on try to answer

why not declare military action in the balkans illegal on the same grounds?

go on try to answer

was it that he wasnt directly involved in a scandal in those instances

and in any case koffi is not a judge

by the ceasefire agreement from GW1 the US was always entitled to continue military action if and when saddam broke ceasefire agreements which he did hundreds of times

and that war was with the backing of a UNSC resolution

in fact there have only been 2 military intervensions in history backed by such resolutions

GW1 and korea (only because russia abstained the vote)

all the masacres in the world since then would not have been stoped by the UNSC as despotic regimes always have a veto

waiting for the UN to act has seen millions be slaughtered worldwide for decades

Anonymous said...

Sorry treading lightly, I didn't read your cliche country is a business post. Lucky we got all the biochemical weapons off Saadam, that could have been scary. He even had invisible ones!!! How do you fight that?

Anonymous said...

thats the point skirt

to this day tonnes of the stuff is unaccounted for

go on deny it existed in the first place...

Anonymous said...

Mr M, just to refresh:
I said the US went into Iraq without UN permission
you said "aRE YOU MAKING THIS UP?" I said NO because THEY DID
and you said
Yeah but they dicked around.(In a little whiny voice)
Your argument falling to pieces much?
Don't try and bluff me with your "I read Sunday life and know all about world affairs" bullshit.

Kofi Anan is not a judge, he was representing the UN.
But that is not what this is about.
I said something and you, in your crazy capitals, said it was wrong when it wasn't.
And now you think that asking me to explain the international conflicts of the last century is going to distract people from the fact that your ignorant as well as arrogant.
You can join treading lightly in kissing my ass.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying that I know they doesn't exist. I'm just saying that in our legal system, and in a logical mind, you need some proof. When you find them, and they've been looking pretty hard, I will believe wholeheartedly that they exist. Until then I'm undecided.

Anonymous said...

Several things. Wooo. We just passed the previous high number of comments made by me and tommy singing our elizabeth song.
Also, if you are going to put forward an argument that you feel is correct and believe you can support it, then by all means do so, but use your name, and not some crappy pseudonym.
Going up the comment chain a little bit here. Treading lightly, you never got back to skirt about how you know how it is to live under an oppressive government, and that we are ignorant cause we’re behind a computer (cause apparently you can type blog comments from a canoe or something). Well I have lived in unstable countries. I was in east africa when the hutus and the tutsis were bashing the shit out of one another. I lived in the slums of nairobi when there were riots everynight and you really didn’t know whether 1000’s of starving locals were going to over run your place and kill you and rape your parents, merely because they didn’t have any food. I did all my primary school with people who had left their country because their tribe were getting slaughtered. I know, probably more than you (im not being arrogant, im being honest because treading lightly said something dicky) how people under these governments react when they are continually oppressed. Oppressive governments and people that kill other people suck. This isn’t under debate.
Yes some of the locals who had been in control in certain parts of the middle east weren’t doing a crash hot job of looking after their people. But don’t think for a moment that America has ever stepped up to help them cause it’d the right thing to do. They do it because they want oil. They do it because they want to cut off trade deals with the Chinese. They did it in 91 to flex their muscles after the cold war to let russia know that they now ruled the world.
Yeah, under the media banner of ‘terrorism’ some pretty screwy things have gone down over recent years, but to say that “these are just murderous nutbags, they are kill groupies, they dont need reasons or reason” is just plain fucking ignorance. Yes. That’s right. They kill people for no reason. Are you 4?. “The bad people do bad stuff because they’re bad” Of course not. I’m not a terrorist. I’m not a muslim. I don’t think it’s a good idea to kill people. However, I do realize that they do have a reason, whether its correct or not. So I’m not going to sit here and let people write them off as loonies because they have more conviction for what they believe than we do.
Getting back to the issue that started all this, these laws are not good. Yes I am a lefty and will usually provide the alternate view to any argument. But how can a rational person believe that the provision in the law to shoot people when they are running away from you and you haven’t identified yourself or got enough evidence to convict that person in a court, is a healthy idea for this country. Does anyone seriously think the above scenario is a welcome addition to the Australian law system?

Anonymous said...

You make the assumption that we a dealing with rational people.

Anonymous said...

its a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart

Anonymous said...

I do cos I'm a dick

Anonymous said...

sorry that may have been me

Anonymous said...

Richie, This is not an angry post, I like you, you send me love messages. Just thought you should no that the reason people in Lachlans scenario run is because men there are men pointing guns at them. These men don't have to identify themselves as policemen. If strange men point guns at you, running is pretty standard, even if its not all that effective.
The risk that is being taken is living in a country where thats allowed to happen.

Anonymous said...

and do you know who Mr M and Trading Lightly are?

Anonymous said...

Mr M, just to refresh:
I said the US went into Iraq without UN permission

no you didnt

you said

"America finally went TOO far and the UN actually had to say no"

no such event happened

it didnt even go to a vote

as far as the US was concerned the original resolution still applied

you said "aRE YOU MAKING THIS UP?" I said NO because THEY DID
and you said
Yeah but they dicked around.(In a little whiny voice)
Your argument falling to pieces much?


if you are going to quote me use my words please

dont rewrite them in attempt to re-write history which is what you have been doing all through this thread

Don't try and bluff me with your "I read Sunday life and know all about world affairs" bullshit.

again i said no such thing

why do you need to resort to dishonesty?

Kofi Anan is not a judge, he was representing the UN.
But that is not what this is about.
I said something and you, in your crazy capitals, said it was wrong when it wasn't.
And now you think that asking me to explain the international conflicts of the last century is going to distract people from the fact that your ignorant as well as arrogant.

i challenged you on 2 specifics

you could not cope

you could not answer a single question

You can join treading lightly in kissing my ass.

then pull your granny knickers down

Anonymous said...

well if a unidentified man came up to me and said move and ill shoot, or maybe your ander arrest, im pretty sure running would be the last thing on my mind but the point is their not going to use that force unless its necessary. just because their allowed to dosent mean their just going to randomnly go around brandishing guns at people. Stop looking at worst case scenarios that are highly unlikely and yes i know what happened in britian but the guy should have never run.

<3 joy, i still love you

Anonymous said...

hey richie. i like your God thing. its true, no one knows evreything, and many people know nothing. wise words
on the running from da police thing, you just have to type "london shoot to kill innocent" into google and you'll find out what im talking about. members of the SO19 special firearms squad chased a brazilian dude and shot him (one of them nailed him 5 times in the head) and then realized he was just a person whose visa wasn't really kosher. maybe thats the kind of immigration policy we're going to have in australia soon.

Anonymous said...

sorry richie, didnt read your post before i made mine,
do you love me too? otherwise, all i get are granny knickers

Anonymous said...

<3 poose, i love you too buddy

Anonymous said...

can we dance to pumpkins at yours and at richies redux

Anonymous said...

What? Mr M you are so full of shit.
I said America went too far and the UN said no.

I was referring to the time they invaded Iraq and the UN said it was illegal.

You asked me if I was making it up.

What the hell are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

. Well I have lived in unstable countries. I was in east africa when the hutus and the tutsis were bashing the shit out of one another.

yeah a big country that "east africa"

Yes some of the locals who had been in control in certain parts of the middle east weren’t doing a crash hot job of looking after their people.
what the farg are you talking about?

terrorism is almost an exclusively middle class affair

none of the islamic groups are blaming poverty as their motivation

they point at islam

But don’t think for a moment that America has ever stepped up to help them cause it’d the right thing to do. They do it because they want oil.

please tell me what amount of oil was extracted from somalia and yugoslavia

what amount of oil was extracted from afghanistan?

if the US wants oil they just buy it

they dont spend billions on invasions

They do it because they want to cut off trade deals with the Chinese.

farg me thats a new one

they are actively growing trade with the chinese and have been for decades

where do you get such nonsense?

They did it in 91 to flex their muscles after the cold war to let russia know that they now ruled the world.


so it had nothing to do with saddams stated intention of invading SA after kuwait which would have destroyed the worlds economy?

Yeah, under the media banner of ‘terrorism’ some pretty screwy things have gone down over recent years, but to say that “these are just murderous nutbags, they are kill groupies, they dont need reasons or reason” is just plain fucking ignorance.


plain ignorance is actually thinking this is a movement about poverty and not a religious fundamentalist movement to establish fundamentalist regimes like the taliban had

Yes. That’s right. They kill people for no reason. Are you 4?.

thats right

they kill people for a pipe dream of isam domination

“The bad people do bad stuff because they’re bad” Of course not. I’m not a terrorist. I’m not a muslim. I don’t think it’s a good idea to kill people. However, I do realize that they do have a reason, whether its correct or not.

well tell me what it is then

So I’m not going to sit here and let people write them off as loonies because they have more conviction for what they believe than we do.

you almost sound like you you are a fan

Does anyone seriously think the above scenario is a welcome addition to the Australian law system?

i, as are most people, am comfortable with thesae laws

Anonymous said...

Who are you anyway? Unless your Tommy-sized I doubt I can beat you up.
With my granny knickers and all.

Anonymous said...

i am tommies evil twin

who are you

and where are those voices coming from?

Anonymous said...

Your such a pussy.
I'm Joy, nice to meet you pussy.
If you ever decide to get a spine ask for a brain while your there.

Anonymous said...

gee what next joy?

we can do "are too" "am not" posts

sorry if the politics was a bit scary

personal "you have no brain" type posts i will leave you to it

Anonymous said...

i think mr M. wins

if only by attrition

Anonymous said...

Oh grow up. I just wanted to know who you were. Since your so sure that I was wring in saying that the UN said no to Americas invasion of Iraq.
But I guess you really are comfortable with wrongly accusing people without evidence or identifying yourself.
Did you write Australias new terrorist laws?

Anonymous said...

Common Richie I made him start hearing voices. That has to get me points.

Anonymous said...

as i said in the original article, im thankful that im white. why would you be comfortable with laws that are set out so they can discriminate against people because of their race. as the SMH said 24 mins ago "The federal government's proposed anti-terrorism laws seriously limit fundamental human rights and fail to provide effective judicial review against violations, three international law experts said." wow, your a dick if your comfortable with that.

on the thing about it not being about poverty. did i ever say that the current group of terrorist were complaing about poverty. no, i said its about oppression. My example about poverty is that people who face conditions way worse than most australians ever have to deal with will react in ways that most autsralians do not understand.

and on your first point. east africa is not a big country. it is several smaller countries, many of which are unstable and that i lived in several of them, dumbass

Anonymous said...

i have identified myself

i am the evil millersnose from four corners

if you want to get back debating the politics give me a yell

Anonymous said...

yeah, i called you back here to tell you you're a pansy

Anonymous said...

on the thing about it not being about poverty. did i ever say that the current group of terrorist were complaing about poverty. no, i said its about oppression.

please explain the oppresion, remembering you were blaming the US, that caused Bin laden to murder all those people

please explain the oppresion samudra was put under to murder all those kids in bali

please explain the oppresion that made mohammed atta leave universty to crash planes into buildings killing thousands

My example about poverty is that people who face conditions way worse than most australians ever have to deal with will react in ways that most autsralians do not understand.

why is it then that poor people are not involved in terrorism everywhere

what is the common thread here for terrorists is it poverty?

or islamic fundamentalism

what are the kashmiri islamists killing people for...wealth?

what about all those kiddies killed in that school in beslan?

where they killed by a group wanting an end to poverty or an islamic seperatist group

and on your first point. east africa is not a big country. it is several smaller countries, many of which are unstable and that i lived in several of them, dumbass

actually you were the one to refer to east africa as a country

i merely had a joke at your expense

Anonymous said...

I'm not really interested in politics. What interests me is people making claims that they can't back up, to support actions that negatively impact other people.
I think thats dangerous

Anonymous said...

"Well I have lived in unstable countries. I was in east africa when the hutus and the tutsis were bashing the shit out of one another."
As In, he lived in East Africa, in unstable countries in East Africa.

Anonymous said...

"I have lived in unstable countries. I was in east africa etc" sure looks like countries as in plural, to me

Anonymous said...

What interests me is people making claims that they can't back up

well you are quite good at it

its important to excel at your interests

where the farg has tommy got to?

Anonymous said...

farg me

lefties have no humour

yes i know girls

i was being pedantic

Anonymous said...

The Beslan school - that was a revenge issue, as in you killed our people we'll kill yours.
But nice try

Anonymous said...

I love how you bust me for "are too" "am not" posts and then call us girls and look for Tommy to save you

Anonymous said...

oh, your pedantic. i thought you were just a dick

Anonymous said...

The Beslan school - that was a revenge issue, as in you killed our people we'll kill yours.
But nice try

so it wasnt carried out by an islamist seperatist organisation?

if it was revenge why didnt they just shoot the kiddies right off?

why did they wait 3 days and make demands?

where the demands a smoke sceen to disguise the fact they were secretly there to kill the kiddies?

Anonymous said...

oh mr m. i just talked to tommy. he is at work and told you to dry your eyes mate

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Read the history of it, read the reports from the people whose children were killed.

Anonymous said...

i read the reports skirt

you must have missed my questions

i will ask again

so it wasnt carried out by an islamist seperatist organisation?

if it was revenge why didnt they just shoot the kiddies right off?

why did they wait 3 days and make demands?

where the demands a smoke screen to disguise the fact they were secretly there to kill the kiddies?

Anonymous said...

Islamist organisations are exempt from revenge?
Yes they made demands, and then they killed everyone. Their demands were ridiculous. By making ridiculous demands they cause more conflict in the country than killing children (which would unite them) and then they get to kill them all anyway.
Thats why

Anonymous said...

So after the guest blog and 90 posts, has anyone changed their mind about anything? or has this just got people angry and offside with each other? If you guys want to have a political argument then fine, but I recommend you actually do it in person as it would be easier to fully understand one another, be much more productive and wouldn't waste my time reading a rediculous amount of posts that went nowhere.

Anonymous said...

i think we're going to have to agree to disagree mr m. you can call us lefties. we'll call you a dick. lets end this heated political discussion and start talking about something much more important.


Anonymous said...

good call sam

Anonymous said...

but then tommy might do some sort of taco girl thing and start having sex with dead babies

Anonymous said...

Holy shit

Anonymous said...

what is it tommys phantom limb

Tommy said...

so did i miss anything


is it safe to say you have all been punk'd in an elaborate scheme to get more hits on my awesome blog?

i think so

and hey look sam posted a comment

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is that it?

Anonymous said...

i think we're going to have to agree to disagree mr m. you can call us lefties. we'll call you a dick. lets end this heated political discussion and start talking about something much more important.


by all means bugga off if you cant hack it

Anonymous said...

So after the guest blog and 90 posts, has anyone changed their mind about anything?


silly lefty claims debunked

or has this just got people angry and offside with each other?

i am sorry did i crash a love in?

If you guys want to have a political argument then fine, but I recommend you actually do it in person as it would be easier to fully understand one another, be much more productive and wouldn't waste my time reading a rediculous amount of posts that went nowhere.

not enough pictures for you?

Anonymous said...

your father didnt love you did they mr m

Anonymous said...


ecomomic dogma post next please mr t

Anonymous said...

your father didnt love you did they mr m

oh are we gonna get to the abusing family lifes next

that didnt take long

Tommy said...

106! this makes me so hot

Anonymous said...

I can't be bothered reading all your poorly spaced arguments, so at the end of the day I am the winner.

Anonymous said...

thats cause your the meanest, toughest, sonofabitch there is

Anonymous said...


silly lefty claims debunked"

Mr.M I asked if you changed your mind about anything not if you learnt anything, maybe your're the one who needs pictures.

"i am sorry did i crash a love in?"

Yes before this latest set of posts this blog was a happy place filled with calming blue colours and people who didn't instigate arguments with someone who was only trying to keep the peace.

"not enough pictures for you?"

Would pictues have helped you guys stay on topic? Would pictures have helped you articulate your arguments properly? Would pictures have backed up your claims? Or would there still be a ridiculous amount of posts that went nowhere?

Anonymous said...

Mr.M I asked if you changed your mind about anything not if you learnt anything, maybe your're the one who needs pictures.

that sentence doesnt make sense

would you like another go?

Yes before this latest set of posts this blog was a happy place filled with calming blue colours and people who didn't instigate arguments with someone who was only trying to keep the peace.

oh you poor dears

Would pictues have helped you guys stay on topic? Would pictures have helped you articulate your arguments properly? Would pictures have backed up your claims? Or would there still be a ridiculous amount of posts that went nowhere?

so many questions

1. i dont need them
2. i dont need them and they wouldnt have helped the lefties
3. no
4. lol you seem to be still here swinging - you must feel you have something to prove - i dont - i dont know any of you guys so i am free to speak as i wish whereas your social webs restrict you

worry not though

if tommy tells me to bugga off i will

Anonymous said...

bugger off. ill just talk to you on the league site

Anonymous said...

hahahaha even tommy is sick of it. Probably because he is taking all the critisism that should have been vented towards you Mr M.

Anonymous said...

maybe so

he knew what he was asking for

its been fun anyway boys and girls


Tommy said...

aside from the fact i didn't make that comment, whoever impersonated me can suck a fat one

Anonymous said...

i thought it was all going to be about love