I apologise for the severe lack of postage in the past few weeks, but my computer went boom boom on Sunday and didn't come back till yesterday. Which is well-timed, because I really hadn't thought of anything to write until last night.
See, last night I was hanging with my mates REDACTED and REDACTED at Joy's crazy cult house/parliament, having praise heaped upon me for my awesome Mark Latham diary blog entry while we ate Reese's Cups and REDACTED inhaled a pack of Coles Savings brand Strawberries and Cream (now with 200% more dytrohoxichloride), when REDACTED told me that I was, and I quote, "constrained by social mores" because I didn't like to offend people/tell them what I really think of their stupid face.
Now first of all, I'd like to point out that REDACTED is actually very cool and doesn't often say such pretentious things just in case people think she's some pooncy intellectual who uses gay words like 'social mores'
Second of all, for those of you who didn't do 3-Unit English and/or don't bludge at uni and learn words like 'mores' while you work at Subway 7 hours a week instead of getting a real job then:
- The accepted traditional customs and usages of a particular social group.
- Moral attitudes.
- Manners; ways.
"Hey Tommy, what do you think of that Jason guy?"
I couldn't tell you mate, I'm constrained by social mores
"Hey Tommy, can you pass us the chips?"
Sorry buddy, I'm constrained by social mores
I feel so deep
I should get a blog
Tommy is cool.
I'd like his mores in my social constraints anytime IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAY'N
how does someone, even someone as cool and handsome and charming as Lachlan, inhale a pack of Strawberrys and cream
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