Wednesday, August 22

Détente is a fancy French word that History teachers use to look smart when they could just use an English word

I'm kind of Jewish when it comes to the War On Terror. I loved the Old Testament (Afghanistan), but I don't really care so much for the sequel. I stole that from some guy. I forget who.

To me, Afghanistan was about as justified a war as you can get these days. It was blowing up people who'd blown up our ally, people who were running one of the most oppressive, fundamentalist regimes since the Howard Government (sorry, it's an election year), and it also helped secure oil for my Corolla. That's three ticks. Four if you count the fact they weren't white.

This is totally what e-mail looks like

But we never really won in Afghanistan. And I think that's a little weak, considering it's not exactly a quagmire over there. You don't have to send soldiers to clear buildings street by street, because there are no buildings. Or streets. Or non-goat transportation.

I'm no 5-Star General, but I do have about 6 years experience watching The West Wing, and I'm pretty sure we could win that war. We could have captured Osama, dressed the Taliban up like Jessica Rabbit and then held a big party in the middle of Kabul. We would eat hot dogs. Britain would bring dip.

So, when I read this, I get a little confused:

The few weeks between the visits to Pakistan of Richard Boucher, the US assistant secretary of state who left last week, and Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, who arrives on September 10, could prove crucial in determining the fate of Afghanistan. This is the timeline for secret three-party talks to establish teega (a Pashtu word for a peace deal that resolves a conflict) between the Western coalition forces in Afghanistan (with Pakistan), the Afghan government, and the anti-coalition insurgents of Afghanistan. The first round of talks has already begun in the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta, Asia Times Online has learned.

Link courtesy of The Road To Surfdom.

In other words, we're negotiating peace with the Taliban. The same Taliban who dress women up like Jawas from Star Wars, the same ignorant religious fuckballs who turned Afghanistan from a rotting shitpool into a rotting shitpool where you can't watch TV or blink on whatever holy day weirdo extremist Muslims have chosen for you.

Afghanistan's hottest two porn stars.

They were later killed.

The World Superpower and Britain and Australia, owners of the baddest mofo SAS troops on the planet, are negotiating with a bunch of guys whose primary mode of attack is 'Pray really hard'. Fuck that. Blow the shit out of them, or hand the Super Power tag over to Russia so they can show you how it's done.