Rove vs XZibit, and John Howard vs Australia
Ok, Rove vs XZibit is officially the weirdest celebrity feud ever. This isn't like Rosie vs Trump, or Paris vs Nicole, or Lindsay vs Her Nasal Cavity, it's on a whole new level.
The deal was, XZibit was meant to be on Rove's show last Sunday, but got offended by one of Rove's producers, then stormed off in what I presume was a car pimped out with an in-built plasma screen, fishtank and shower.
I don't know who to side with. On one side - Rove. The Gold Logie stealer. Funny enough, but over-rated. Provides employment to Pete Hellier, Corinne Grant and Dave Hughes. Bad man.
On the other, Xzibit. Host of Pimp My Ride, which isn't as good as My Super Sweet Sixteen. A rapper. Can't spell 'Exhibit'. Is
Hmm.. If only there was some way to decide this...

Speaking of racism, a Galaxy Poll came out today. Aside from having Rudd up 55-45, it also reveals this interesting statistic, r.e Howard's drive to stamp out child sex abuse in indigenous communities:
Some 58 per cent of voters believe Mr Howard is addressing problems in the communities because of the looming election, the exclusive Galaxy opinion survey has found.Just 25 per cent said Mr Howard launched the intervention because he really cares about the problem.
You know when I'd retire as Prime Minister? When a poll came out that showed only 1/4 of the country believed I was genuine about being anti-pedo.
XZibit for PM.
is this because i said tom was pro-pedophilia?
Polls never lie Tommy. :)
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