Saturday, February 24

Oz Loves Cheney! In other news, Britney Spears lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins

The Drudge Report is one of the biggest sites on the net. A few years ago, it broke the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky story. Not surprisingly, the guy behind the Report, Matt Drudge, is a bit of a righty. The gist of the site is that it links to the major news items of the day, but it has a pretty obvious bias against certain topics, like lefties, Barbara Streisand and global warming.

Though, its bias was never so obvious as it is today. Yes, it's time to go all Media Watch on your asses. Check this out.

Oz Loves Cheney. That's why a few chunks of the Sydney CBD were shut down to stop protesters, why a few people were arrested and why there's a Secret Service sniper training a red dot on my forehead as I type this. But hey, some Young Lib made a POSTER! We love you, Dick!

damn it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


oh tommy, you can stop MY traffic anytime ;-)