Monday, January 8

Givin The Rub

Partly because I REALLY don't have anything else to write about, and also because I am a nice blogsmith, I thought I'd do a little blog plugging the newest addition to my links list - Boredomistan.

I'll be straight up with you - I never heard of the site before the owner of it e-mailed me and asked if I wanted to do a link swap. There. I said it. My secret shame revealed. I'm also a dinosaur

But, it's a good site! Really good in fact. Except the most recent post. That's shit. But the ones before it are good. Except the second most recent post, which is a book review and doesn't have enough pictures. But all the rest are good. And the comment boxes are hot. And people actually post constructive comments, like in this blog about Saddam. That's even hotter.

The piece de resistance however, the... how you say... peese de lay rezes-stance, is the very first post on the site. Mainly because of this quote...

We all shrug when 20,000 people are killed in an earthquake in Pakistan, and yet we're hot on the phone to Alan Jones when that little girl gets hit by a car again. You know the one I mean.

Awesome. Go visit it. Tell him I sent you, so he writes a post about how good my blog is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOEL, you did dun poseted about my blog ya'll. I'll do a reach around next post.