Friday, January 5

He Was In Ninja Turtles 2

The New South Wales Police Commissioner has added his voice to growing fears about the most potent amphetamine to hit Australian streets, Ice.

He's warning that it could claim a generation of young people.

Ken Moroney has named Ice ahead of terrorism and race issues as the greatest challenge facing the New South Wales Police.

ABC News

I don't want to sound like one of those dicks that thinks they're smarter than the Cops, but no. I know people have addictive personalities, and that Ice is just the next drug up for a few people, and that it's evil and its hard to kick and the side-effects are crazy bad, but so does everyone. Which makes anyone who uses it a dumb fuck.

So no, Mr Commish, it's not going to claim 'a generation of young people', it's going to claim 'a generation of dumb fucks'.

Stop, collaborate and listen

Acting like people are powerless to resist their addiction, who get 'claimed' by drugs, turns them into victims when they're not. The victims are the families who have to look after them, the taxpayers who have to pay for their care, the innocents who get mugged or beaten by Ice addicts.

This is the same argument they used for fat people (oh, it's genetic, oh, they have to eat 12 cheeseburgers because their mother was fat), and look where that got us. On a one-way ticket to THIS.

shh... the beanbag has a face

I should be Commissioner.

Then I could speak to Batman. With a red phone.

I should definitely be Commissioner.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm that picture looks strangely familiar.....thanks miguel

Anonymous said...

It's like you try to be like shootz but you are really a white man who sings Tupac Hail Mary over and over and over again yet NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE (see the zyrorl.mp3 lol?)

Anonymous said...

"did you know in the past 10 years, 31 Australians have died from watering the christmas tree while the lights were still plugged in? And at least a couple of those were watering plastic trees. Now i dont want to seem callous, but to me thats not a tragedy - that's natural selection"

Now the above is a quote from funny man Wil Anderson, and I cant help but draw parallels between your distinct style of comedy, in fact maybe you even … Dare I say it model your blog around what indeed wil Anderson would say.

Anonymous said...

click me to see what tommy does when he isn't writing blogs. Don't worry its not porn...

Tommy said...

you had a point adam spencer

but then you called wil anderson a 'funny man'