Wednesday, September 13

The Australian Values/Are You A Muslim Test

I apologise in advance for posting about politics twice in two blogs, but there's really nothing else to talk about. Well, except how Anna Nicole-Smith's son died, and how he was twenty, and how I don't want to imagine how his childhood was when if he Googled his last name, he'd find pictures of his mum's cooch.

But Kim Beazley said something the other day that got people talking. About how retarded Kim Beazley is.

Kim wants a pledge to uphold "Australian values" placed on forms signed by tourists and immigrants before they enter the country. Like the box on the American entry form that asks if you've been involved in terrorist or revolutionary activity (seriously), this amazing counter-extremism measure will surely keep us safe. Why... it's a box! And you tick it! If only we'd thought of this on September the 10th, 2001, or before Nickleback tried to tour.

Now, some other people have already talked about how stupid this is, so I went for a different angle. I know some folks over at the Department of Immigration, so I managed to find a prototype 'Australian values' pledge.

It's only a rough draft, but this is what it will look like if they ever introduce it. Take a look. You might have to click it to make it bigger. That's one of the anti-terrorism security measures they put on it.


Anonymous said...

yeah. latham would just punch people who weren't australian. i miss him

Anonymous said...

That's disturbingly good, Tommy.

Anonymous said...

naomi robson got freakin arrested in PNG. brilliant

Anonymous said...

I love how muslims always find a way into your blogs.