So, Ashley and John got evicted from the Big Brother house for some weak-ass "sexual assault" on Camilla. Here's a picture. Ashley is the blurry green glob on the left, John is the blurry green glob on the right, and Camilla is in the middle. You can tell by her body language that she's just asking for someone to rub their genitals against her face.
Wow, my pillow feels a little hairy tonight
Like getting your mate to hold down a sleeping girl while you turkey slap her with your dick and balls is anything but harmless fun. When did this nation turn into a bunch of prudes? Whatever happened to the good days, the days before the feminazis took over this country and introduced fake words like "rape"?
But srsly folks

Rape is not funny. (Owls, on the other hand, are hilarious.) People always bag out Big Brother because it's full of drunk idiots acting like tossers, but I've always found it somewhat entertaining. But what happened to Camilla was about as close to rape as you can get without yelling 'SURPRISE!', and that's not cool.
I say the only way to save the show is to either bring back Jo from Big Brother 3 so she can seduce the boys to not vote for her, or get Krystal to rub her fake norks on all the housemates in the house (except the old bitch), so we even up the sexual assault.
You know I'm right.
Rape is no laughing matter.
wow tommy, your unique brand of diplomacy should be taken to the UN. maybe India and pakistan could rub each others nipples
And who says males aren't bitchy?
Was a foot involved at any stage?
Gareth how can they be drunk. Each housemate is allocated three drinks per night.
who gives a shit?
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