Tuesday, April 18

What Could Have Been...

Sure, this whole Samuel Gordon Stewart thingy has gotten me lots of hits, but it came with a cost. See, my blog turns 1 on Monday the 24th of April, or Anzac Day Eve. The night we all gather around the Anzac tree to sing Anzac carols is the very day my blog reaches a milestone not even I thought it would achieve. Seriously, I figured I'd just pack it in and make a porno site after 3 months. But no, I persevered. You guys persevered. We made beautiful blog music together and I love you all.

And I wanted to lead up to the Blog Birthday (or the 'Blog-iversary') with a little bit of retrospection, a bit of a 'Blog Year In Review', but I bagged out SGS when he did that exact same thing and well, I don't want to look like a hypocrite. It also means I've had to shelve my plans for 'Tommy's Persiflage'.

So, instead, you get this.

See it looks like he doesn't like boobs, which is why it's funny, because there are boobs underneath and he is looking all like 'eww' even though he's married and stuff


Anonymous said...

tommy, that joke was far funnier when richie suggested it the other day when considereing your post of a few days ago

Tommy said...

how about you go make another monster suit and buy a memory while you're at it

Anonymous said...

no that was clearly my joke fool

Tommy said...

this is a conspiracy to deflame me

Anonymous said...

good work, this blog needs more boobs

Anonymous said...

mmmm boobs

Anonymous said...

OMG - The delivery of the White and Yellow Pages phone books was much more tasteful than previous years.
What. The. Hell.

Tommy said...

i don't get it - phone books?

Anonymous said...

Its from SGS's blog. Thats the "in review" theres a freaking article. About the delivery. Of the Phonebooks. This guy is a joke.

Tommy said...

oh sorry i thought you were insane