See, the problem is, there's only so much to blog about. Especially when you're unemployed ('freelancing'). So normally I scan ABC News to see if there's something to fire up about, like the other week with Beazley's Bastardly Block On Boobies, but there's nada. I don't have any wicked Guides to tv shows on the backburner either, and no guest blogs handy (which, coincidentally, is what I give for guest blogs).
So, instead, I am writing this blog blind. I don't know what I'm going to write about, I'm just going to keep writing and writing until I say something witty or unique. We might be here a while.
And what's the go with 5 comments on each post? I know in saying that somebody is going to think they're funny and make a 6th comment.
I played with a baby the other day, babies are cute
Christ, this is boring. I should hire someone to blog for me. Then I can fire them under Work Choices for a personality clash. LOL. Hilarious Tommy, you've done it again.
I got 1/7 in footy tipping last week
This isn't going as well as I thought, I can't think of anything good to write, so all I'm thinking of now is how shit this blog is and how I should stop
But I can't
Because I haven't blogged in a few days, and considering I don't work or go to uni, I feel an obligation to write something
But is it really worth it, if all I produce is... this rancid sack of turds
I might just swear for a little while, get some cheap laughs
Dick marble
Cuntasaurus Rex
Nothing. Maybe I need booze. I should have a Breezer, that will get me maggoted so I can be funny
Wow, this is bad. I could have easily blogged about something interesting, yet I chose to do this stream of consciousness arty bullshit hoping it would end up being unique and funny
And you know what, this will get more comments than the 6000 word Guide To Lost. Maybe I should just cut my losses.

see, i told you a blog on punani was a good idea
that girl needs to be de-flowered hehehe
which girl
you have to go to the link dumbass
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