Shit Hits The Fan In Cronulla and maroubra and brighton
The violence yesterday wasn't confined to males in the crowd. Several females were involved in fights, including 16 year-old Cronulla girls Samantha and Emma. "I hate the Lebs. Today I punched one fat girl in the face. We just want them off our beaches," Samantha said.
- The Daily Telegraph, Monday 12 December, pg. 21
I think that about sums up the stupidity of yesterday's riots. Lebanese gangs are a massive social and criminal problem in Sydney's suburbs. What happened to the two lifesavers last week was a disgrace, but 5000 drunk, redneck vigilantes is not the solution. The fact that I can figure this out sitting behind a computer in Baulkham Hills, having watched twenty minutes of footage on the news, yet there exists people who TRAVELLED from Castle Hill to Cronulla to 'defend the Shire' is mind-boggling.
I thik we all just have to accept that there are always fuckheads. Lebanese fuckheads who form gangs. Aussie fuckheads who think the best way to stop Lebanese gangs harrassing their chicks on the beach is to assault an Arab on a train. Ignorant politically correct fuckheads who scream 'racism' when cops try to do their jobs. The even more ignorant xenophobic fuckheads who think anybody from Lebanon or Syria or Turkey is going to rape their daughters and blow up their football stadiums. Fuckheads the lot of them. It's a fuckhead infestation of fuckheadian proportions.
And then there's the media. Channel Nine News last night blamed talkback radio for inciting much of the violence. True, talkback radio is the home of the racist fuckhead, but I have a crazy hunch that the thousands of young Shire guys aren''t exactly cranking John Laws or Alan Jones before their morning surf.
But they might be reading the Telegraph. And watching Nine News. Seeing and reading journalists and producers desperate to sensationalise anything they can get their hands on. Just ask John Brogden.
It's not a battle between the Shire Boys and the Wogs. It's definitely not a battle between the Bra Boys from Maroubra and the Bankstown Boys from Wogland. It's a battle between normal, rational people and the fuckheads from both sides. It won't be solved by getting a dozen of your closest mates and beating up a Middle-Eastern looking guy, or by playing 'Smash The Skippy' with your cousins, but with...
I have no idea.
Maybe pancakes can solve it. I don't know, I'm not a doctor. All I know is that violence begats violence, and what happened yesterday in Cronulla is going to happen again in Bankstown, and Cabramatta, and Parramatta, and Winston Hills, and Baulkham Hills and ohshit.
Oh shit.
They should all have masturbation fights.
If they're anything like me, they'll fall asleep after one shot.
I think masturbation would solve alot of world problems.
tommy falls for the 5000 figure
a few dozen of the crowd at cronulla where involved in the nonsense
most where beachgowers who are there all summer
i didn't 'fall' for the 5000 figure. i never said there were 5000 people there actively involved in the mess, that would be a full-scale L.A riot. but whether it was a few dozen or a few hundred involved in playing whack-an-arab, everybody there was actively supporting the 'defense of the shire'. from the footage i saw, i could easily buy 5000 of them being there
therefore - 5000 redneck vigilantes
Yeah Mr M you faggot newb.
hehehe. Mr m is back. and someone called him a faggot already
But it seems that our state government is more concerned with the neo-nazi rumours and squashing those who were behind the "white" hooligans actions on Sunday yet still will not pursue action against the "meditteranian/middle eastern" hooligans who have been running amuck for the last few years in that area. Something doesn't seem right there to me.
Why are "white" australians considered racist yet "middle eastern" australians treated with an entire different set of rules that allow them to get away with a shit load more than others? It seems as though we live in a country with double standards where public pools are closed to the public because oppressed "middle eastern" Australian woman want to swim and no-one else is allowed to see them without their traditional robes on. Countless other examples can be seen throughout our country.
I am not agreeing with what the "white" community did on Sunday but to punish them one way (which they do deserve) and to punish the "middle eastern" mobs another way or not at all is not right! As long as these double standards occur there will always be racial tension between australia's different cultural groups because the racism is being fed to us from the top.
the state government has given police more powers to go after gangs than any other government in nsw history. after the stabbing of michael lee and the gunshots fired at the lakemba cop shop in 98, police were given broad new powers. tough new legislation brought in after the olympics had no sunset clause, meaning it is still in effect. the cops have been legislated the ability to go after gangs. it is not the government's job to legislate police procedure.
public pools are closed for swimming carnivals too. i don't see the problem in closing them for two hours to allow muslim women to swim in accordance with their culture. you'll also find these pools aren't closed, but rather booked out. catholic girls schools also book out pools and forbid men from entering. but they're catholic, so it doesn't get on talkback radio.
you say the government 'won't pursue action' against the leb gangs, yet i don't really see any evidence. how are the white yobbos being punished differently to those arrested last night in maroubra? any proof of this, or just making another assumption?
I love all the talk-back radio people describing the two different sides, you've got lebs and wogs and whatever else, then the "dinky-di Australians" or the "Aussies/Ozzies" ... come on, just say it...
"White people."
There. I did it - you can too!
Beating up a couple of lifesavers is totally stupid though... who's going to haul you up on the beach and give you CPR after your cheap gold chains and fake Rolex drag you to the bottom?
Tommy so just posted this to make blog controversy, which translates into hits and comments.
You don't see any evidence of ethnic minorities being punished differently? How about from the smh?
"A MAN arrested over an assault on a newspaper photographer on Cronulla Beach last Wednesday has been rearrested.
Wael Tahan, 20, of Riverwood, was in a group of four men in a car stopped by police at Miranda at 12.40am yesterday.
Police stopped the vehicle during a search for a group of men wanted for an attack just before midnight on Sunday on the Cronulla beachfront in which a 20-year-old male was allegedly hit on the head with a concrete block.
Tahan and the other three men were taken to Miranda police station. During questioning, police said, they found he had breached a bail condition not to enter Sutherland Shire pending a court hearing on the assault matter on January 12.
The condition was imposed by police after he was charged on Wednesday with assaulting a Fairfax Community Newspapers photographer, Wesley Lonergan, who was covering reaction to the attack by a group of youths on three lifesavers three days earlier.
Yesterday Tahan was released on $1000 bail."
This was in the midst of these so called racial riots. Where is the logic here?
showing someone with a funny name getting put on bail for an assault doesn't prove your point, unless you have another article showing a guy with a normal name getting locked up until his trial.
the judiciary can not make up laws 1 day after a riot in order to hold people deemed dangerous. Tahan breached a condition of his bail order - it will result in an even harsher sentence come his trial. i don't see the problem.
Also from the smh. Very topical as it was also in conjunction with a riot situation. Not sure if the guy is white or aborignial but either way he was an australian citizen who breached his bail conditions and was held in custody until the hearing in court. Why did this not happen in the last case that I posted on?
"Palm Island riot: accused breaches bail
December 9, 2004 - 11:02AM
One of the 19 men charged over Queensland's Palm Island riots is back in jail after breaching bail conditions.
Cedric William Barry, 20, had been required to report to Townsville police on a daily basis but failed to do so less than a day after his release.
Riots rocked the island community, off the coast of Townsville, on November 26 after it was revealed Aboriginal man Cameron Doomadgee had suffered broken ribs and a ruptured liver when he died in police custody a week earlier.
Chief Magistrate Marshall Irwin made the controversial decision on Monday to release on bail all 19 men charged over the riot.
A police spokeswoman said today Barry, who had been charged with looting the Palm Island police station, was arrested yesterday.
He was remanded in custody after appearing before Magistrate David Glasgow in the Townsville Magistrates Court.
Barry is expected to reappear before the court on December 17."
i didn't know the townsville magistrates court was in new south wales?
it didn't happen in the last case (aside from the fact its in a different state) because of the nature of the judiciary. i don't agree with tahan being released on bail, but i respect that it was a decision made by an appointed judge based on the case, the nature of the crime and precedent. more importantly than that, i don't believe it was a decision made because of his ethnicity.
I haven't followed the specific details of events thus far but it is obvious that this conflict has been building. The original fight, over 'who owns the beach' and the subsequent beating of two lifeguards has now turned into a conflict that reflects the anger that has always existed between our cultures over the years.
I don't personally have any muslim friends so I can't really address the stereotype that "muslims are raised by their parents to hate us", although I believe there is some truth behind it. However OUR generation has been raised to hate muslims, especially after 9/11. When I was younger I remember the troubles of going to the movies at Castle Towers only to see muslim punks hanging around outside, unchallenged as they yelled at shoppers entering and exiting. We see a media bias towards reporting middle eastern gang violence, but when go almost anywhere in Sydney you can see it, it is a legitimate problem.
Today we see the climax of this growing hatred, people are fed up of being pushed around and have been provoked to push back (a whole hellofalot).
If anyone demands that I quote things then my retort is: open your eyes because if you payed any attention to this country growing up then you know that it is not that far fetched, people are sick of playing nice and hoping that the problems go away through tolerance.
Yay! Feck tolerance!
Mind you, although unlikely, I hope judges are taking the opportunity to release genuine criminals into the community so that the current trend of angry mob justice can take it's toll.
Now, I'm off to buy a cricket bat and some Dettol.
... and nightvision goggles!
Gen 2 nightvision, because that's way better than Gen 1 and not stupidly expensive like Gen 3.
you are obviously unaware of crowds at cronulla beach on summer weekends then tommy
i'm also unaware using a figure widely used in the mainstream media is worth so many comments, considering how little it had to do with the actual post.
you rave on about collumnists and their attacks on your favorite politicians
but when it comes to reproducing obvious sensationalism in journalism on your blog you have no hesitation
oh that last post was me tommy
but big piers deals in fact, doesn't he millers? so i'm nothing like him
every major news outlet, even the ABC, 'fell' for the thousands figure. everybody on Cronulla beach that day knew what they were there for.
"That changed when a man of Middle Eastern appearance was chased into a hotel bistro. Within a minute the hotel was surrounded by several thousand people screaming and chanting. "
yep, sure sounds like a dozen troublemakers to me. that 5000 figure is absolute lunacy. and it still has nothing to do with the point of my post.
everybody on Cronulla beach that day knew what they were there for.
my daughter and her freinds went down for a swim and then went for lunch at gymea
do you think the press hasnt hyped this story?
23 comments and no new blog post. Told you.
Mutliple suburbs are reduced to riot activity by a violent and racially motivated mob and you are bitching that the media hyped the story up?
It has always been the role of the media to sensationalise. It is not a police report; but a biased, eloquent and money driven medium. Why would this story be any different?
This whole blog entry was just an excuse for Tommy to say fuckheadian.
ding ding ding we have a winner
So what is with the "white supremacist" raids and no "wog supremacist" raids? does anyone think this is a bit one sided? Last time I checked woggies were the ones with striking arms knowledge. Wow now I am a white supremacist, but really, we are better ayy... mr m, your a dick, are you a leb?
Racist Racist Racist
becuase if they're not splashed on the front page of the terrorgraph, they're not happening?
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