Fat Chicks In YouTube Hats
It's not often that Matt and I combine our bad jokes into one blog. It's even less often that we resort to copy/pasting our only-funny-to-us MSN convos rather than actually writing something with form and cohesion. Only the most special of special people deserve such a treatment, and we've stumbled upon another.
Her name is debalicious17. And she's licious alright.
You HAVE to see this video. I will embed it, so you have no choice.
Matt says...
oh my
she thinks she got laid
no way
if she did she killed someone
Tommy says...
Matt says...
she looks like she's made out of lava lamp juice
like if her chin hit the rest of her body she would merge into herself
Of course, we're not the first ones to discover deb. She's got hundreds of thousands of views, and pantloads of comments. Some support her, (because regular bras can't) and others criticise her for being cranky and fat. Other comments are just totally awesome.

Tommy says...
i like how a few of the comments say people should be judged on their inside appearance
like, did you see the video?
she's fat inside too
Matt says...
her line about the comments bagging her out
'when you go into judgement day he's going to bring all this stuff up'
like judgement day is just like a conversation with god that gets really awkward
Tommy says...
Matt says...
'oh yeah man i saw that game last weekend, that was great'
'yes i know i created that game'
'oh yeah you did too, nice work'
'yes, by the way, you raped your sister when you were 9'
Tommy says...
i wonder if st. peter is subscribed to daxflame
At this part in the video, fatty's phone rings, and she pulls it out from somewhere off camera.
Matt says...
her phone just rang
i thought she sat on a singer
Tommy says...
she totally pulls it out of her

Tommy says...
well, one of them
Matt says...
and there is clearly someone else in the room
and every time she turns on the camera
her phone 'just happens' to ring
its obviously a set up
Tommy says...
probably her feeder
But that's not the worst of it. debilicious17 has a few more videos on YouTube. There's one that we couldn't resist watching, involving a Winnie The Pooh denim moo-moo (a Pooh-moo), and what appears to be an accidental striptease from debalicious. Accidental like the fourteen cream buns she 'accidentally' ingested before making these videos.
For those of you who don't want to watch the video, I'll post a picture of the most horrifying thing I've ever seen on the internet, and I've seen TubGirl.

Matt says...
ok, its official, my penis is now just for show
Tommy says...
i just got a boner
* Matt has left the conversation.
Ok, that last part may not have happened. But you try coming up with a better ending that doesn't involve a boner. I dare you.
i vomited
That's classic Tommy
not the fat girl, but the commentary.
Jesus H. Christ.
oh god, i'm too scared to watch the last one. tell me she keeps her Deliverance overalls on.
oh you don't see anything more than what i've shown in the pics
it's just animated
you can see the boob bags being squished
it's hypnotic
Why are her self-confidence levels so high? Did her parents not beat her enough as a child? Advice to the parents of the liquid coconut: double the backhands, halve the lard.
For fucks sake. People that fat shouldn't allowed to associate with other human beings. Who's filming the fucking thing? Is she some kind of political prisoner who pledged loyalty to the Michelin man's offspring in return for freedom?
gg tommy. good times.
some videos shouldn't ever be seen on widescreen, however like always you have lifted the normal teasing of fat people above and beyond eating icecream out the front of the jenny-craig building. kudos!
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