Thursday, January 25


Monday - Tommy bitches about flag ban at Big Day Out

Thursday - Big Day Out ticketholders say 'fuck you' to organisers and bring more flags than the front of the United Nations

Wednesday - Tommy bitches about John Howard not making that company pay up to the dying guy

Thursday - Company pays up to the dying guy

Now, I'm not saying I have some kind of.... power, but... I have some kind of power. And don't worry, I've seen Spider-Man. With great power comes great responsibility yada yada yada oh no uncle ben look out. I will use my incredible power for good.

In other news, Bikini models wear too many clothes.

(Next Thursday is going to be fantastic)


Anonymous said...

i'm so gay.

Anonymous said...

I heart this blog

Anonymous said...

its just too bad that you like men in bikinis, otherwise yes next thursday would be good.