Friday, September 8

BlogFight: VOTE!

It's time to VOTE!

Go here, and decide between voting for me and making me happy, or voting for Grods and killing an angel. It's democracy baby! And make sure you state a little reason why, like 'Tommy is a sex machine', or 'He asked me to' or 'I like angels'.

If you've missed the BloggerCageFight, you can read up here and pretend your vote was an educated decision rather than payback for all the times that Tommy has posted funny videos of fat people.

Now that the BloggerCageFight is over, my shit blogs will be back here, where they belong, starting Monday. I'll also be changing some stuff behind-the-scenes with the blog, so if it dies in the arse over the weekend, it's probably because you didn't vote for me.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Beta Blogger. Is it any good?

Tommy said...

seems pretty hot