Wednesday, August 16

David Stratton from The Movie Show has a pedo smile.

And that's what we in the business call a segue, because it's time for everyone's favourite monthly tradition....


We begin our journey through the flowing internet river of funny with my favourite video, a monkey teasing a dog. According to some smug bastard who posted a comment on YouTube, it's actually a gibbon. Thanks for spoiling the fun, cock.

That monkey sure was an asshole, but nobody tops Darth Vader, king of dickery.

This one is incredible. The Autistic Human Camera. He can paint the entire Rome cityscape just from one look in a helicopter. Pity he can't dress himself.

Really funny stand-up turns crazy - wait till the punchline at the very end. Owned.

In the American Politicians Are Stupid File - Stephen Colbert interviews the Congresswoman from the District of Columbia. Bitch fires UP.

World's greatest American Football catch. If only he used his skills to play a good sport. LOL EMMET SMITH OWNED 2000!@#lol

This guy, for reasons which will be made clear when you see the video, is the most popular man on YouTube right now. His gimmick is that he is old. His videos are like Samuel Gordon Stewart, they're boring, but you just can't look away. I chose his 'Geriatric Grumblings' video, it's funny cause he looks like he is about to have a stroke.

This Fox News blooper is as old as hell, but awesome.

The funniest part of my fourth funniest movie ever, Old School.

Batman never forgets Pedestrian Safety. Luckily, he has a Bat Steel Window Frame Hook in his utility belt at all times.

Breakdancer with awesome strength. My mate Sam can do this, and we're born on the same day so that means I can do it too. Also, I did not find this video searching for 'buff black men' on YouTube.

Also old, but good. Running little kid gets smacked by a basketball. Also known as 'Tommy in P.E Class."

And finally, the trailer for Mel Gibson's new film.


Anonymous said...


First comment ftw.

And ffs...nice one scaring the fuck outta me with that zombie!

Anonymous said...

TOMMY, do you know how I know you're gay?

You're undressing me with your eyes.

Anonymous said...

i..thought it was an ...excellent post and.. i give it... 3 stars out of..5


Anonymous said...

i'm a lesbian