As you probably know by now, I'm an excellent debator. You could call me a master debator. I don't think I've ever lost a debate, I've beaten more people with my master debating skills than anybody I know. In fact, if I had to hand pick a job for myself, in some kind of hand-picked-job competition, I'd probably choose debator. And no debate is more...debated than the war between the Cadbury Crunchie and the Nestle Violet Crumble.
I consider myself somewhat of a..... ican'tspellconniseur when it comes to chocolate, and to me, this is simple. The Crunchie is superior in every way. For one, Crunchies are covered in Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate, while Violet Crumbles are covered in Nestle TastesLikeShit chocolate. Score one for the good guys.
Secondly, honeycomb. Some people like the traditional, solid honeycomb found in Violet Crumble over the bubbly, aerated honeycomb of the Crunchie.
Those people are rapists.
Call me crazy, but when I bite into a chocolate bar, I don't like to leave a molar behind. However, the Crunchie isn't perfect in this department. Next time you bite into a Crunchie, take a look at the edges of the bar. On one side, and only one side of the Crunchie, is a honeycomb so sticky, so chewy and so horrible that it almost ruins what is, until that moment, one of the Cadbury God's finest creations. I call it The Edge Of Terror.
You can't escape it. King Size Crunchies have it, regular Crunchies have it, "Fun" size Crunchies have it. It's like the fat friend of the hot girl, it's always there and it gets stuck in your mouth. A seasoned Crunchie eater is wary of this nefarious honeycomb suicide bomber, and so takes it out early. It looks dumb, but devouring this edge of your Crunchie before you get to the good stuff is the only solution. Otherwise, every bite you take will be tainted by a honeycomb fouler tasting than Lindsay Lohan's number 2's.
But, even in light of the Edge Of Terror, the Crunchie wins here too. Two-nothing Crunchie.
Did I mention it was best two out of three?
Crunchie Wins

your internet is suck poo
If ur into chocolate at all, u should know that Cadbury is down the shitty end of the scale just above dairy free chocolate and the stuff they put inside no frills smarties. Filling wise Violet Crumble actually uses honeycomb where as Crunchie is some sort of honeycomb like substance. Just depends what u prefer I guess, like Pepsi vs Coke everybody has their favourite for one reason or another but fighting over which one is better is a bit of a wank.
hehe your internet is suck poo hehe
Chomp > Crunchie
i don't think anonymous gets it
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