Friday, July 14

It's the weekend coming up, there's a war in the Middle East (well, another one) and there's way too many pictures of Peter Costello on my blog right now, so to crank up the fun and excitement, it's another one of those fucking video blog posts.

And people say I swear unecessarily

Speaking of unecessary swearing, this video is kinda old, but awesome. It's Unecessary Censorship, courtesy of the Jimmy Kimmel show.

We'll get the boobs out of the way straight out of the bat (hehe bat). A woman who can control her chest.

Japanese people are weird. But their ham-eating CD players are even weirder.

Japanese wrestlers are even weirder. It's the barbed-wire safety net.

Guy walks up to Buzz Aldrin. Guy says Buzz Aldrin didn't go to the moon. Guy calls Buzz a coward. Buzz punches guy in the FACE.

Insert segway into Family Guy. Here's a clip of the voices of Family Guy, doing voices. Of Family Guy. Who knew Cleveland was WHITE?

I love news bloopers. First, we have a news anchor accidentally implying something about a blind climber's sexuality. Then, we have my favourite video of this post - a news reader's tooth falls out, live on air. TWICE.

I also love videos of people getting curbed stomped. I understand people mightn't want to see someone get their face stomped into a curb, so I won't do anything dicky, like trying to hide the link in something wholesome.

Hey look, it's a video of a cute little puppy playing with a ball of string on a merry-go-round in a field full of daisies

Zidane's Headbutt is the talk of the world, even in countries like Africa and the Orient where they don't talk right. So here's the uncensored Zidane's Headbutt.

We do 'Roasts' in Australia, where you get a celebrity's friends to bag them out for an hour and film it. I remember one Channel Nine did with Molly Meldrum, which was 60 minutes or so of really awful gay jokes. But in America, they have it down to an art form. This is Jeffrey Ross, a comedian, 'roasting' Pamela Anderson. Surprisingly, no spit-roasting. It's pretty vulgur, but freaking hilarious. Look out for the bit where he says to Courtney Love that she looks 'worse than Kurt Cobain'. Awesome.

That'll do it for now, here's a picture.


Anonymous said...

I love the ham guy!!!

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.