Wednesday, March 8

Emos IN THE WILD: Part 3 - Undercover Emo

You thought I'd forgotten, hadn't you.

My transformation into a MySpace emo wasn't easy. First, I needed pictures. Those were provided by my sexy Olympus camera, and the less-sexy REDACTED. Then, I needed poetry. Luckily, I had recently been provided with an emo goldmine, the url of which shall remain a secret because I will probably steal more stuff from there later. After that, I needed a dark, emo MySpace template, which I found on the net. Once I had all that hooked up, all I needed was some screamo music, and bam. Goodbye Tommy the blogger, hello 'Marcus Helms', The Ultimate MySpace Emo.

Marcus is 16 years old, lives in California and recently broke up with his girlfriend 'Ashlee'. Please visit his MySpace, or I'll/he'll cut myself/himself, and I don't want to have to explain this to my/his Dad.


Anonymous said...

i love the fact that marcus' only "friend" is currently on over 61 million peoples friends lists

and hey. im a forkin genius fortographer

Anonymous said...

very convincing, ur like special forces spy sent in to destroy the emos from the inside.

Anonymous said...

In ur quest for my space dominance I think u need some more "friends"

Anonymous said...

this was astoundingly unfunny and not worth the wait

Anonymous said...

^^What?! Definately worth the wait Tommy. I'll be checking on Marcus regularely. Can't wait for part 4: Marcus and Jaren become friends.

Anonymous said...

mmm nah wasn't worth it...