Friday, February 10

Call me slow to react, but damn, those wacky muslims sure are firing up about those Muhammed cartoons. Soon there'll be riots or something. I also think there's something inherently funny about the headline 'Five die amid global cartoon protests'. Like Marvin The Martian, Porky Pig and Foghorn Leghorn were picketing outside the Warner Brothers water tower for better conditions and maternity leave, but then it gets ugly when Elmer Fudd pierces their flesh with a hunting bow.

And then he eats them.

But if there is one thing I've learned from these cartoon protests, it's that controversy = money. People buying newspapers that publish the cartoons so they can see them. People buying newspapers that don't publish the cartoons so they can read about them. People buying newspapers that publish the cartoons so they can burn them alongside an effigy of Ariel Sharon. It's a freaking bonanza, and I want a piece of it.

The way I figure, if Muhammed = money, then a bit more blasphemy might = even more money. And why just pay out on the Muslims? If insulting just Muslims starts riots, imagine how many hits I'll get with THIS!

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Anonymous said...

jesus has a pimpin' ride

Anonymous said...

How dare you portray muslims as a violent people! Mohammed would never carry a bomb under his turbin! To show you how outrageous this concept is we shall burn down your embassy!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what is worse, the fact that muslims are rioting in violence (again), or that we accept that a comic is a reasonable justification for fueling such violence... you can bet that the majority of people taking part had never seen it.

Anonymous said...

to get so fired up over a satiricle cartoon seems a bit "extreme", which i guess says alot about their religion.

Anonymous said...

hahaha Muslims are funny