Wednesday, October 5

i wrote a poem cause textual expression is the only way of ridding myself of the depression of life, art is the only cure for the meloncholy that pervades my soul

it's called CMP

an emo poem by tommy





the pain heals like a bandaid
plugging my tears like a... plug

but cutting my arms

my wrists

my thighs

it wasn't enough
cutting was the solution and the problem
the depression sunk in like a fat girl in a pool
i had to find a new way
a new way to free myself from hell
so i took the knife

and i cut my penis

art is pain


Anonymous said...

can i have your penis. i never got one

Anonymous said...

wish i could post under other peoples names, thats reall cool.
also i eat homeless peoples asses

Anonymous said...

farg tommy

dump leftism its making you morbid

come over to the happy side of the political devide

and laugh at leftists wallowing in self loathing

Anonymous said...

look millers, just because you have no social conscience doesn't mean we all should

Anonymous said...


it makes you miserable

hedonism is salvation

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hedonism is salvation. that sounds like the kind of world that says ok to kiddy fiddling

Anonymous said...


that draws a long bow nathan

are you on the look out?

Anonymous said...

no your wrong.

bleeding is our pilgramige

pain is salvation

Anonymous said...

Worker bees are free
the queen is their slave
even drones can fly away

Anonymous said...

Flea is not a beautiful or unique snowfale :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rosebud was his sled!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, this blog makes me laugh.

Like an emo on a field day.
"Look at all those dark, dark trees mother (named moticia), I bet I could climb one! Even better mother, I bet I could grow one in my backyard! I'd nuture it and use each and every branch on it's trunk to cut myself! I believe in a green future MOTHER!"