There is a show on Foxtel called The View, from ABC in America. Basically, it's a bunch of chicks of various ages and breast sizes sitting around a table gossiping and bitching about current affairs and the latest ways to protect your children from home invaders
Now I am not ashamed to admit I watch The View every now and then, mainly because of former Survivor mega-hotty Elisabeth Hassellbeck
Elisabeth Elisabeth she is really pretty, Elisabeth Elisabeth I'd like to see her t-
But I can't watch it anymore. I saw an episode yesterday from Friday in the States, and the show opened (as it should) with a sombre look at Hurricane Katrina, it's aftermath, and how the show's viewers could help out. A nice, noble way to start a television show I think. But then, this Joker-faced bitch comes out for her interview:
Yes, Hilary Duff was the first guest on The View that day, there to plug her new album, when she came out with this gem. While tens of thousands of her own citizens were trapped inside the Superdome and the Convention Center, while thousands had perished at the hands of Hurricane Katrina, while the sick and the elderly died as they waited for help that was five days late, Hilary Duff bitches about how hard it is to buy a mobile phone. She even said, and I'm quoting the lazy-eyed anorexic here:
"Buying a cell-phone is like the biggest hassle in the entire world"

i heard elizabeth also collects fine china and has aunts named celeste and delores
Hilary Duff brings people together, stop being a player hater
yeah, its george bush that doesnt care about black people
haha does anyone find the 1st anon comment somewhat hypocrytical
Shutup she is my girlfriend
learn to swim
learn to fly
I'm learning to fly. But I ain't got wings.
drink red bull u dick
stop linking you god damn blog to your name cause its really not that good fagsausage
amen to that
yeah, anonymous people are wankers
You are all fuck knuckles!!!
What a surprise another news limited/roosters conspiracy, Braith Anasta and Brett Finch picked together in the Prime Ministers Rooste... I mean XIII. How luck for the roosters, I am shocked that Ricky Stuart isn't coaching the team.
You voted for the dickhead :D
But he doesn't pick the squad. It's the rooste... I mean Australian selectors that pick the squad.
Once again John Howard makes someone else take the blame for him
cascade's first harvest ale 2005 limited release is the tits
boo hoo Tommy, but if we had Mark Latham as our Prime Minister he would have infected us all with pancreatitis by now.
anonymous sure can talk lots considering the giant penis in their mouth
Yep, multi-talented I am. Sucking Tommy's fat one and mocking him at the same time.
dont know about anyone else but im bored...
elisabeth elisabeth she collects fine china
elisabeth elisabeth i'd like to touch her va-
elisabeth elisabeth she has an aunt named delores
elisabeth elisabeth id like to lick her...
elisabeth elisabeth she has an aunt named celeste
elisabeth elisabeth id like to fondle her...
elisabeth elisabeth she eats corn on the cob
elisabeth elisabeth from her i'd like a bl-
elisabeth elisabeth drives a big truck
elisabeth elisabeth id like to give her a ...
elisabeth elisabeth she voted for bush in the election
elisabeth elisabeth i'd like her to hold my e-
elisabeth elisabeth her castle has no moat
elisabeth elisabeth i wonder if she can deep...
elisabeth elisabeth she owns the dvd of the legend of sleepy hollow
elisabeth elisabeth i'd love to know if she sw-
she sure can
love your work poose
nice work tommy
elisabeth elisabeth she likes to pash
elisabeth elisabeth i'd like to do her in the a...
In the ash?
richie. ass and pash dont really rhyme
maybe you should leave it up to Rex, Bill and Tony
do you like graps richie?
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