" FOREIGN Minister Alexander Downer has accused Labor leaders from John Curtin and Gough Whitlam to Mark Latham of appeasement of Nazi Germany, communist Russia and Saddam Hussein, and provided a philosophical justification for invading Iraq and helping to free East Timor...
In a scathing critique of Curtin -- Labor's wartime prime minister -- and a damning judgment on Mr Whitlam over the Baltic states and Mr Latham over Iraq, Mr Downer said: "Only the Coalition is unequivocally committed to supporting the global struggle for freedom."
- from The Australian
I think we can all agree, no matter if you give a shit or not about politics, that Alexander Downer is a fucking moron. Aside from the fact he's an absolute poonce, this is the same guy who made jokes about domestic violence when he was Opposition Leader, the same guy who let an $800 million program to aid Papua New Guinea fall apart because he's absolutely incompetent. He also represents the same party that has ignored human rights abuses in Burma and East Timor, that demonised an entire boat full of legitimate refugees to win an election, and that, until the U.S changed its Iraq policy, was very happy to let Saddam Hussein stay in power.

and so mr speaker i believe you should take off your pants
And he accuses Labor Prime Minister John Curtin, the man whose decisions during World War 2 solidified Australia's independence and helped to repel the Japanese invasion of South East Asia, of 'appeasing Nazi Germany', when Robert Menzies, the Liberal leader at the time, SUPPORTED the policy of appeasement. In fact, it was Robert Menzies, the Liberal's most successful and most honoured leader that said:
"I want to warn you against any easy falling into habits, to which we are susceptible of saying that dictators are bound to be wrong and democracies bound to be right" in regards to Hitler in 1938.

I'm not saying that Labor haven't made their fair share of mistakes. No political party in the world has a clean record when it comes to defending democracy. Countries like Australia, Britain and the U.S have supported and tolerated totalitarian regimes in every continent, in every decade since their creation. I just don't think the Foreign Minister of a country like Australia, which can do very little about dictators a few continents away, should be trying to score political points on an issue where he and his party are just as guilty as anyone.
I also don't think he should speak like an absolute pansy

carson was the Liberal's first choice for Foreign Minister, but they decided to go for someone even gayer
clearly tommy you are more qualified for the job!!!
It is beyond me how you manage to get images of Hitler and Carson in the same post, you clearly have issues :#)
Hitler was an original member of the Fab Five
ur a funny man tommy. i like the humour but the ties between the political and celebrities is quite geniuous hehhehe
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